| 3.77 |
| 4.18 |
| 2.8 |
La historia de Lisey - Stephen King
| 5 |
La verdad sobre el caso Harry Quebert | 4.06 |
| 4.46 |
| 3.66 |
Toda la verdad de mis mentiras | 3.4 |
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone | 4.37 |
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity | 3.8 |
The Employees - Olga Ravn
- Martin Aitken (Translator)
| 4.25 |
Everything You Ever Wanted | 3.89 |
The Country Will Bring Us No Peace | 3.5 |
| 4.11 |
| 3.73 |
| 4.13 |
| 3.83 |
How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving | 3.4 |
I Who Have Never Known Men | 4.3 |
| 3.77 |
| 2.38 |
| 0 |
| 3.5 |
Ghosts of the Tsunami: Death and Life in Japan’s Disaster Zone | 3.83 |
The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of a Donner Party Bride | 4.22 |
Night - Elie Wiesel
- Stella Rodway (Translator)
| 4.34 |
| 3.92 |
| 4 |
| 3.65 |
| 3.92 |
| 4.2 |
| 3.17 |
| 3.94 |
| 0 |
| 2.75 |
| 3 |
| 0 |
| 0 |
| 0 |
| 4.29 |
| 4 |
| 3.79 |
| 3.78 |
| 3.6 |
| 4.11 |
| 3.42 |
| 3.62 |
| 4.44 |
The Elegance of the Hedgehog | 3.68 |
| 3.68 |
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas | 3.97 |
| 4.49 |
Blindness - José Saramago
- Giovanni Pontiero (Translator)
| 3.98 |
| 3.87 |
| 3.34 |
Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center | 3.88 |
| 4 |
The Left Hand of Darkness | 4.04 |
| 4.38 |
The Morning Star - Karl Ove Knausgård
- Martin Aitken (Translator)
| 5 |
Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth | 0 |
| 4.49 |
| 4.08 |
| 3.32 |
| 4.21 |
The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon
- Richard Philcox (Translator)
| 4.35 |
| 4 |
Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino | 4 |
| 4.07 |
| 4.04 |
| 4.13 |
Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters | 4.07 |
| 3.24 |
The Glass Bead Game - Hermann Hesse
- Richard Winston (Translator)
- Clara Winston (Translator)
| 3.79 |
| 3.8 |
| 3.99 |
The Stranger - Albert Camus
- Matthew Ward (Translator)
| 3.93 |
| 4.12 |
| 2.93 |
Ficciones - Jorge Luis Borges
- John Sturrock (Translator)
- Anthony Kerringan (Translator)
| 4.24 |
| 0 |
The Book of Form and Emptiness | 3.97 |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | 4.05 |
Breasts and Eggs - Mieko Kawakami
- Sam Bett (Translator)
- David Boyd (Translator)
| 3.86 |
The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet | 4.36 |
Bear by Engel, Marian [Paperback] | 2.9 |
Vincent and Theo the Van Gogh brothers | 4 |
| 0 |
The King's Painter The Life and Times of Hans Holbein /anglais | 0 |
 Victorian Radicals Victorian Radicals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts & Crafts Movement | 0 |
The Medici: Portraits and Politics, 1512-1570 - Keith Christiansen
- Carlo Falciani
| 0 |
| 0 |
Los Secretos de Las Obras de Arte - Rose-Marie Hagen
- Rainer Hagen
| 0 |
| 0 |
The Glory of Byzantium and Early Christendom | 0 |
The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made | 4.26 |
Art as Therapy - Alain de Botton
- John Armstrong
| 4.5 |
Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? | 4.25 |
| 5 |
The Art of Forgery: The Minds, Motives and Methods of Master Forgers | 0 |