#472 | |
#474 | |
#475 | |
#476 | |
#477 | Mercury Pictures Presents |
#478 | |
#479 | |
#480 | |
#481 | |
#482 | |
#483 | |
#484 | |
#485 | |
#488 | Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting |
#489 | |
#490 | |
#491 | |
#492 | |
#493 | |
#494 | |
#495 | |
#496 | |
#497 | |
#498 | |
#499 | |
#500 | |
#501 | |
#503 | |
#504 | |
#505 | |
#506 | The Bangalore Detectives Club |
#507 | Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun |
#508 | |
#509 | Maame - Jessica George
- Michał Kramarz (Translator)
#510 | |
#511 | The Only Secret Left to Keep |
#512 | |
#514 | |
#515 | Four Aunties and a Wedding |
#516 | |
#517 | Now Is Not the Time to Panic |
#518 | |
#520 | |
#521 | Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone |
#522 | |
#523 | |
#524 | |
#525 | |
#526 | |
#528 | |
#529 | |
#530 | The Collected Regrets of Clover |
#531 | |
#532 | The Enchanted Hacienda - J.C. Cervantes
- Jennifer Cervantes
#533 | Rogues: True Stories of Grifters, Killers, Rebels and Crooks |
#534 | |
#535 | |
#536 | |
#537 | |
#538 | |
#539 | |
#540 | |
#541 | |
#542 | |
#544 | Stromend graf - Robert Galbraith
- Sabine Mutsaers (Translator)
- Mireille Vroege (Translator)
#545 | |
#546 | |
#547 | Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind |
#548 | |
#549 | |
#550 | |
#551 | |
#552 | |
#553 | Christmas at The Mysterious Bookshop |
#554 | |
#555 | |
#556 | |
#557 | How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen |
#558 | |
#559 | |
#560 | |
#561 | |
#562 | |
#564 | Murder Crossed Her Mind: A Pentecost and Parker Mystery |
#565 | Call the Midwife: Ruf des Lebens - Jennifer Worth
- Tobias Rothenbücher (Translator)
#566 | |
#567 | |
#569 | |
#570 | |
#571 | |
#572 | |
#573 | |
#575 | |
#576 | |
#577 | |
#578 | Interesting Facts About Space |
#579 | |
#580 | The Murders in Great Diddling |
#581 | |
#583 | |