The Girl Who Played with Fire
Stieg Larsson Reg Keeland (Translator) - - Murders without Bodies: The Case Files of America's Top "No Body" Homicide Prosecutor
- No-Body Homicide Cases: A Practical Guide to Investigating, Prosecuting, and Winning Cases When the Victim Is Missing
- - - - - - - 2 - - - Merging Dimensions: The Incredible Saga of the Bradshaw Ranch
- - - - The Mothman Squeaks: Convivial Conversations Concerning Cosmic Conundrums - Cryptic Creatures, Chimeras, Contactees, and the Cleverly Coded ... Correspondences of the Collective Unconscious
- - - Shattering the Myths of Darwinism
- The Edge of Reality: Two Scientists Evaluate What We Know of the UFO Phenomenon
J. Allen Hynek Jacques F. Vallée - Forbidden Science 5
Forbidden Science 5: Pacific Heights: The Journals of Jacques Vallee 2000-2009
- The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects
J. Allen Hynek Jacques F. Vallée - - - Unidentified Flying Objects: The Psychic Solution
- Forbidden Science 3
Forbidden Science 3: On the Trail of Hidden Truths, the Journals of Jacques Vallee 1980-1989
- - Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma
- Forbidden Science: Journals 1957-1969
- Alternative Science: Challenging the Myths of the Scientific Establishment
- Forbidden Science: Suppressed Research That Could Change Our Lives
- Trinity: The Best-Kept Secret
Jacques F. Vallée Paola Leopizzi Harris - Forbidden Science: From Ancient Technologies to Free Energy
- UFO's in Space: Anatomy of a Phenomenon
- Forbidden Science 5: Pacific Heights, The Journals of Jacques Vallee 2000-2009
- Forbidden Science 4
Forbidden Science 4: The Spring Hill Chronicles, the Journals of Jacques Vallee 1990-1999
- The Alien Agenda
The Alien Agenda: Understanding the Motivations of Extraterrestrial Visitors
2 - - A Manual of Private Investigation Techniques: Developing Sophisticated Investigative and Business Skills to Meet Modern Challenges
- Susquehanna Road: How Rem Bristow, Bill Kelly, and a Myriad Group of Philadelphia Investigators Solved the Cold Case of the Boy in the Box
- Trail of Blood: A Father, a Son and a Tell-Tale Crime Scene Investigation
- Earth: An Alien Enterprise: The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-up in Human History
- - Fisher's Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, First International Edition
William J. Tilstone Michael L. Hastrup Camilla Hald Barry J. Fisher - Blood Secrets: Chronicles of a Crime Scene Reconstructionist
- - - 4 Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation (Forensic and Police Science) by Barry A. J. Fisher, CRC Press
- A Journey to the Center of the Mind: Book II
- Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, Seventh Edition
Barry A. J. Fisher David R. Fisher - COLD CASE RESEARCH: Resources for Unidentified, Missing, and Cold Homicide Cases
- - Alien Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed
- - The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments
- Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity
- 4 - - - - - - - - - - - A Little Knowledge: What Archimedes Really Meant and 80 Other Key Ideas Explained
- - - On Giants' Shoulders: Great Scientists and Their Discoveries From Archimedes to DNA
- Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins: Et Influences on Humankind's Biological and Cultural Evolution
Arthur David Horn Lynette Anne Mallory-Horn - The Gene: An Intimate History
- Skeptoid 5: Massacres, Monsters, and Miracles
- Skeptoid: Critical Analysis Of Pop Phenomena
- - Skeptoid 4: Astronauts, Aliens, and Ape-Men
- Skeptoid 2: More Critical Analysis Of Pop Phenomena
- The Book of Charlie: Wisdom from the Remarkable American Life of a 109-Year-Old Man
- - Skeptoid 3: Pirates, Pyramids, and Papyrus
- 4 - - - - Papyrus
Irene Vallejo Maria Meinel (Translator) Luis Ruby (Translator) - - - The Afterlife Revolution
Whitley Strieber Anne Strieber 4 Walk-ins
Walk-ins: The Cosmology of the Soul
- - Oak Ridge National Laboratory: The First Fifty Years
Leland Johnson Daniel Schaffer - Dancing Past the Graveyard: Poltergeists, Parasites, Parallel Worlds, and God