Gone to See the River Man |
In the Miso Soup - Ryū Murakami
- Ralph McCarthy (Translator)
The Reappearance of Rachel Price |
How to Solve Your Own Murder |
An Anonymous Girl - Greer Hendricks
- Sarah Pekkanen
I'm Thinking of Ending Things |
The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth |
Volpone and The Alchemist |
Metaphysics - Aristotle
- William Rhys Roberts (Translator)
The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare
- SparkNotes
- John Crowther
Under the Whispering Door |
The House in the Cerulean Sea |
It's Kind of a Funny Story |
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera
- Michael Henry Heim (Translator)
Too Loud a Solitude - Bohumil Hrabal
- Michael Henry Heim (Translator)
The Bookseller at the End of the World |