Hunting the Corrigans Blood |
From a whisper to a scream |
The Cats of Tanglewood Forest |
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror |
The Doctors book of home remedies for children - Prevention Magazine Editors
- Denise Foley
- Eileen Nechas
- Susan K. Perry
The Ice Palace - Tarjei Vesaas
- Elizabeth Rokkan (Translator)
The Futurological Congress: From the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy - Stanisław Lem
- Michael Kandel (Translator)
Hospital of the Transfiguration |
Little Star - John Ajvide Lindqvist
- Marlaine Delargy (Translator)
The Very Best of Charles de Lint |
Someplace to Be Flying (Newford) |
The Book of Elementals, Vol. 1 and 2 |
Tapping the Dream Tree (Newford) |
Medicine Road (Newford, #14) |
Låt de gamla drömmarna dö |
Liaden Universe Constellation Volume III (BAEN) |
A bed of earth (the gravedigger's tale) |
A Fisherman of the Inland Sea |
Carousel Seas (Archers Beach) |
Music to My Sorrow - Mercedes Lackey
- Rosemary Edghill
A Liaden Universe Constellation, Vol. 2 |
When Darkness Falls - Mercedes Lackey
- James Mallory
A Liaden Universe Constellation: 1 |
The Wind's Twelve Quarters |
Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings |
Bedlam's Edge - Mercedes Lackey
- Rosemary Edghill
- Barb Caffrey
- Michael B. Caffrey
The secret books of paradys 1 & 2 |
Eden - Stanisław Lem
- Marc E. Heine (Translator)
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever |
Conspiracies - Mercedes Lackey
- Rosemary Edghill
Sacrifices - Mercedes Lackey
- Rosemary Edghill
This Scepter'd Isle (The Scepter'd Isle) |