#1189 | |
#1190 | |
#1191 | The Elephant and the Bad Baby |
#1192 | John Brown, Rose and the midnight cat |
#1194 | |
#1195 | |
#1196 | |
#1197 | The Story Of Babar The Little Elephant |
#1198 | |
#1200 | |
#1201 | |
#1202 | |
#1203 | |
#1204 | Good Night Alfie Atkins - Gunilla Bergström
- Elisabeth Kallick Dyssegaard (Translator)
#1205 | |
#1206 | Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs |
#1207 | The Story of the Little Mole Who Went in Search of Whodunit - Werner Holzwarth
- Wolf Erlbruch
#1208 | |
#1209 | |
#1210 | The Tiger Who Came to Tea |
#1211 | Jennifer Jones Won't Leave Me Alone - Frieda Wishinsky
- Neal Layton
#1213 | |
#1215 | T'choupi se perd au supermarché |
#1216 | |
#1217 | Harry and the Dinosaurs Say Raahh! |
#1218 | |
#1219 | Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale |
#1220 | |
#1221 | |
#1222 | |
#1223 | |
#1224 | Little Blue and Little Yellow |
#1225 | |
#1226 | |
#1227 | How the Grinch Stole Christmas! |
#1228 | |
#1229 | |
#1230 | Bartholomew and the Oobleck |
#1231 | |
#1232 | |
#1233 | |
#1234 | |
#1235 | |
#1236 | |
#1237 | The Little Engine that Could |
#1238 | |
#1239 | Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! |
#1240 | |
#1241 | The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! |
#1242 | |
#1243 | One Fox: A Counting Book Thriller |
#1244 | The End of Something Wonderful: A Practical Guide to a Backyard Funeral - Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic
#1245 | |
#1246 | |
#1247 | |
#1248 | |
#1249 | If the World Were a Village: A Book about the World's People |
#1250 | |
#1251 | |
#1252 | Once upon a cool motorcycle dude |
#1253 | Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See? |
#1254 | |
#1255 | |
#1256 | |
#1257 | Mr. Gumpy's Outing - John Burningham
- Ellen Duthie
#1258 | The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear |
#1259 | |
#1260 | If You Take a Mouse to School - Laura Numeroff
- Felicia Bond
#1261 | |
#1262 | |
#1263 | |
#1264 | |
#1265 | |
#1266 | |
#1267 | How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? |
#1268 | |
#1269 | Harry the Dirty Dog - Gene Zion
- Margaret Bloy Graham
#1271 | |
#1272 | Martina the Beautiful Cockroach: A Cuban Folktale |
#1273 | |
#1274 | |
#1275 | |
#1276 | |
#1277 | The Hello, Goodbye Window - Norton Juster
- Chris Raschka
#1278 | |
#1279 | |
#1280 | |
#1281 | |
#1282 | |
#1283 | Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey |
#1284 | The Man Who Walked Between The Towers |
#1285 | |
#1286 | |
#1287 | |
#1289 | How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? |
#1290 | |
#1291 | |
#1292 | Officer Buckle and Gloria |
#1293 | Mom Loves Little Jumbo: Hello, I am Jumbo |
#1294 | Sure as Sunrise: Stories of Bruh Rabbit and His Walkin' Talkin' Friends |