| 2018 |
The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy | 1979 |
| |
| 1945 |
| |
The Open Society and Its Enemies | 1956 |
Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth | 1920 |
| 1990 |
The Social Contract - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Maurice Cranston (Translator)
| |
Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few | 2004 |
| 2018 |
| 2007 |
| 1941 |
The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism | 1988 |
What Has Government Done to Our Money? | 1963 |
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 - Travis Bradberry
- Jean Greaves
| 2003 |
The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays - Murray N. Rothbard
- Ludwig von Mises
- Roger W. Garrison
- Gottfried Haberler
- Friedrich A. Hayek
| 1978 |
Economics for Real People | 2002 |
| 1848 |
Das kapital - Karl Marx
- Edward Aveling (translator)
- Samuel Moore (translator)
| 1867 |
Modern Man in Search of a Soul - Carl Gustav Jung
- H.G. Baynes (Translator)
- W.S. Dell (Translator)
| 1931 |
| 1984 |
| 1521 |
Civil Disobedience and Other Essays | 1849 |
| 1651 |
The Proper Role of Government | 1968 |
Living a life that matters | 2003 |
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion | 2012 |
| 1954 |
| |
| 1994 |
Toward a Psychology of Being | 1961 |
Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics | 1947 |
| |
The Essential Kierkegaard | 2000 |
Oedipus Rex - Sophocles
- J.E. Thomas (Translator)
- Paul Mazon (Translator)
| -429 |
The Count of Monte Cristo | 1830 |
| 1940 |
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
- Katherine Tiernan O'Connor (Translator)
- Diana Lewis Burgin (Translator)
| 1966 |
Faust, First Part - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
| 1808 |
How to Win Friends and Influence People | 1913 |
We - Yevgeny Zamyatin
- Bela Shayevich (translator)
| 1924 |
The Doors of Perception & Heaven and Hell | 1956 |
| 1972 |
| 1998 |
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
- Giulia Arborio Mella (Translator)
| 1954 |
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind | 2011 |
A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn
- Kathy Emery
- Ellen Gordon Reeves
| 1980 |
Man and his symbols - Joseph L. Henderson
- Aniela Jaffé
- Jolande Jacobi
- Marie-Louise von Franz
- Carl Gustav Jung
| 1964 |
| 195 |
| 1985 |
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - R.F.C. Hull (translator)
- Carl Gustav Jung
| 1959 |
| 1936 |
Either/Or: A Fragment of Life | 1843 |
Capitalism and Freedom - Milton Friedman
- Binyamin Appelbaum
| 1962 |
| 1885 |
The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli
- Rufus Goodwin (Translator)
| 1502 |
| 19 |
The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
- John Rutherford (Translator)
| 1605 |
| 1867 |
| 2002 |