This Is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar
- Max Gladstone
Dare to Disappoint: Growing Up in Turkey |
Blackblood: Acolyte: A Graphic Novel |
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me |
Through the Moon: A Graphic Novel |
The Book That Broke the World |
Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know |
How to Hide in Plain Sight |
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness |
Why We Remember: Unlocking Memory's Power to Hold on to What Matters |
DeadEndia: The Watcher's Test |
Running Close to the Wind |
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow |
Kisses, Codes, and Conspiracies |
Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers |
The Book of Elsewhere - Keanu Reeves
- China Miéville
Languishing: How to Feel Alive Again in a World That Wears Us Down |
Thinking 101: How to Reason Better to Live Better |
Worry Lines: You're Doing Really Well Given the Circumstances |
The Trading Game: A Confession |
The Ashes & the Star-Cursed King |
Fallout: The Vault Dweller's Official Cookbook |
Day Trading Attention: How to Actually Build Brand and Sales in the New Social Media World |
The Stalin Affair: The Impossible Alliance That Won the War |
Trippy: The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics |
How to Solve Your Own Murder |
A History of the United States for Newcomers: Expand Your Knowledge, Boost Your Confidence, and Thrive in the USA |
Puppy Brain: How Our Dogs Learn, Think, and Love |
Keep It Zesty: A Celebration of Lebanese Flavors & Culture from Edy's Grocer |