Her Good Opinion Her Good Opinion: A Pride & Prejudice Variation
Transforming Mr. Darcy Transforming Mr. Darcy: A Magical Pride and Prejudice Variation
Something to Think Of Something to Think Of
Darcy the Beast Darcy the Beast: A Pride and Prejudice Variation
Lord Harpenden's Daughter Lord Harpenden's Daughter : Pride and Prejudice variation
Mr. Darcy's Present Mr. Darcy's Present: A Pride and Prejudice Holiday Vagary
Hearts and Consequences Hearts and Consequences
Lover's Knot Lover's Knot: A Pride & Prejudice Variation
Obsession Obsession
Mr. Darcy's Lost Love Mr. Darcy's Lost Love: The Complete Novella Series: A Pride & Prejudice Variation
Passages Passages: A Pemberley Tale
Darcy and Elizabeth Darcy and Elizabeth: A Most Unlikely Couple
The Waltz of Dark and Light The Waltz of Dark and Light
Birdie and the Beastly Duke Birdie and the Beastly Duke
Agony and Hope Agony and Hope
Goodly Creatures Goodly Creatures: A Pride and Prejudice Deviation
Saving Elizabeth Bennet Saving Elizabeth Bennet
In Default of Heirs Male In Default of Heirs Male
Pride & Distance Pride & Distance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation
Pride and Prejudice and a Shakespearean Scholar Pride and Prejudice and a Shakespearean Scholar
Fitzwilliam Darcy in His Own Words Fitzwilliam Darcy in His Own Words
Mr. Darcy's Easter Baby Mr. Darcy's Easter Baby: a Pride & Prejudice Variation
An Unwitting Compromise An Unwitting Compromise
In the Wilds of Derbyshire In the Wilds of Derbyshire