Cyclope - Brian K. Vaughan
- Stuart Moore
| 0 reads |
Avengers, Vol. 1: Avengers World - Jonathan Hickman
- Michael Strittmatter (Translator)
- Nicole Duclos (Translator)
- Jérémy Manesse (Translator)
- Nick Spencer
| 14 reads |
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 1: Cosmic Avengers | 30 reads |
| 8 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe | 30 reads |
Superman : Unchained - 2e partie | 0 reads |
Avengers vs X-Men - 3e partie - Brian Michael Bendis
- Jason Aaron
- Ed Brubaker
- Matt Fraction
- Jonathan Hickman
- Jeph Loeb
- Kieron Gillen
- Christopher Hastings
- Dan Slott
- Kathryn Immonen
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
All-New Ghost Rider, Vol. 1: Engines of Vengeance | 3 reads |
Beta Ray Bill - Michael Avon Oeming
- Dan Berman
| 0 reads |
Lénine - Antoine Ozanam
- Denis Rodier
- Marie-Pierre Rey
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Batman contre Man-bat - Bob Haney
- Dennis O'Neil
- Mike Friedrich
- Frank Robbins
- Len Wein
- Marv Wolfman
| 0 reads |
Superman : Unchained - 1ere partie | 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
Justice League : Le Règne du Mal - 2e partie | 0 reads |
Justice League : Le Règne du Mal - 1e partie - Geoff Johns
- Sterling Gates
| 0 reads |
Nightwing, Volume 4: Second City | 3 reads |
| 0 reads |
Harley Quinn : Dingue de toi - Amanda Conner
- Jimmy Palmiotti
| 0 reads |
Que meurent Batman et Robin | 0 reads |
Thor Who holds the hammer? | 24 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Louis XIV - Tome 2 - Jean-David Morvan
- Frédérique Voulyzé
| 0 reads |
Union Jack - Benjamin Raab
- Christos Gage
| 0 reads |
Superior Spider-Man : Mon Premier Ennemi | 0 reads |
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith, Vol. 1: Imperial Machine | 27 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Ben Reilly, Scarlet Spider - Gerry Conway
- J.M. DeMatteis
- Howard Mackie
| 0 reads |
New Avengers, Vol. 1: Everything Dies | 13 reads |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
Vercingétorix - Didier Convard
- Stéphane Bourdin
- Stéphane Bourdain
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
UCC Dolores, tome 1: La trace des nouveaux pionniers | 1 read |
| 1 read |
Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon | 108 reads |
| 0 reads |
L'Alliance des Héros - Leo Dorfman
- Cary Bates
- Bob Haney
| 0 reads |
Sombre Reflet - 1ere partie | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
La Relève - 1ere partie - Scott Snyder
- Brian Azzarello
- James Tynion IV
| 0 reads |
Venom - Rick Remender
- Jeff Parker
- Rob Williams
| 0 reads |
| 5 reads |
| 7 reads |
| 1 read |
Raspberry Pi 3 ou Pi Zero | 0 reads |
Et Si... Marvel ? - Roy Thomas
- Jim Shooter
- Peter B. Gillis
- Tom DeFalco
- Tony Isabella
| 0 reads |
The Amazing Spider-Man : Spider-Island - 2e partie | 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Les petites filles modèles | 1 read |
L'Enigme des Blancs-Manteaux | 1 read |
| 0 reads |
Les Malheurs de Sophie - Sophie, comtesse de Ségur
- Maxe L'Hermenier
- Manboou
| 7 reads |
Les Oubliés de l'Autre-Monde | 1 read |
| 0 reads |
Captain America et Le Faucon : La Bombe Aliénatrice ! | 0 reads |
| 5 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
Batman — The Dark Prince Charming 2/2 | 1 read |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
Deadshot : La Cible de Deadshot - John Ostrander
- Kim Yale
- Christos Gage
| 0 reads |
La Machine à explorer le temps - H. G. Wells
- Henry D. Davray (Translator)
| 2 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 10 reads |
Lady Mechanika, Vol. 4: The Clockwork Assassin | 2 reads |
| 1 read |
Aquaman, Volume 5: Sea of Storms | 2 reads |
La Chose - Mark Gruenwald
- Ralph Macchio
- Stan Lee
| 0 reads |
Catwoman : La Règle du Jeu | 0 reads |
La Panthère Noire : La Colère de la Panthère | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
L'Ordre des Pierres - Jean-Claude Mézières
- Evelyne Tranle
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |