Imago Mundi - L'intégrale Tome 2 - Éric Corbeyran
- Achille Braquelaire
| 1 read |
| 5 reads |
Les Défenseurs : Le Jour des Défenseurs - Roy Thomas
- Steve Englehart
| 0 reads |
Shang-Chi - Antony Johnston
- Mike Benson
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
- Boyan Kovacevic
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
Carthago, Vol. 1 - Christophe Bec
- Eric Henninot
- Milan Jovanović
| 2 reads |
Le Passager de la Préhistoire - PECQUEUR-D+KOVACEVIC-B
- Boyan Kovacevic
- Pierre Schelle
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex - Sam Humphries
- Brian Michael Bendis
- Gerry Duggan
- John Layman
- Kelly Sue DeConnick
| 3 reads |
| 5 reads |
| 11 reads |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
Les Naufragés de l'espace | 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 8 reads |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
Dragonvine - Dean DeBlois
- Richard L. Hamilton
| 1 read |
Les Schtroumpfs et les haricots mauves - Alain Jost
- Thierry Culliford
| 1 read |
Lady Mechanika: La Dama de la Muerte | 5 reads |
Les Épées de Glace, l'intégrale | 0 reads |
La Main de l'Empereur - Tome 1 | 1 read |
Le pouvoir de l'ombre - Éric Corbeyran
- Frédéric Bagarry
| 1 read |
Star Wars: Poe Dameron Vol. 2: The Gathering Storm | 7 reads |
Batman — The Dark Prince Charming 1/2 | 1 read |
| 0 reads |
G.I. Joe Movie Prequel: Retaliation | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 3 reads |
On Mars_, tome 1: Un Monde nouveau | 1 read |
Star Wars, Vol. 5: Yoda's Secret War | 12 reads |
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Vol. 1 | 20 reads |
| 1 read |
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, vol. 2: Doctor Aphra and the Enormous Profit | 22 reads |
Les Défenseurs : Les diamants sont éternels | 0 reads |
Médecin du RAID : Vivre en état d'urgence | 1 read |
| 1 read |
Les Tueurs de fer - Fred Duval
- Pierre Schelle
- Christophe Quet
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
Avatar - Gene Luen Yang
- Michael Dante DiMartino
- Bryan Konietzko
- Dave Marshall
- Gurihiru
| 5 reads |
| 6 reads |
| 4 reads |
Lady Mechanika, Vol. 3: The Lost Boys of West Abbey | 3 reads |
Olympus Mons, Vol. 1 - Christophe Bec
- Edward Gauvin (Translator)
| 1 read |
| 3 reads |
| 3 reads |
| 27 reads |
| 2 reads |
Les Inhumains - Stan Lee
- Jack Kirby
- Roy Thomas
- Archie Goodwin
- Gerry Conway
| 0 reads |
Street Fighter x G.I. JOE | 1 read |
The Spectre Bridegroom and Other Short Stories / Le Spectre fiancé et autres nouvelles - Washington Irving
- Théodore Lefebvre (Translator)
| 0 reads |
The Valley of Spiders and The Stolen Body / La Plaine des araignées et Le Corps volé | 1 read |
G.I. JOE: Roots of Retaliation - Larry Hama
- Marshall Rogers
| 0 reads |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: No Future for You - Joss Whedon
- Brian K. Vaughan
| 55 reads |
Charmed: Season 9, Volume 3 | 1 read |
| 1 read |
Complot - Robin Hobb
- Christophe Picaud
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
Star Wars Vol. 3: Rebel Jail | 12 reads |
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Search Omnibus | 106 reads |
| 15 reads |
Star Wars: Poe Dameron Vol. 1 - Black Squadron | 12 reads |
| 2 reads |
A Terribly Strange Bed / Un lit terriblement singulier | 1 read |
- Pierre Schelle
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Short Stories / Le Coeur révélateur et autres nouvelles | 0 reads |
The Sisters and Other Short / Les Sœurs et autres nouvelles - James Joyce
- Thomas Velazquez (Translator)
| 0 reads |
The Crystal Cup and Other Short Stories / La Coupe de cristal et autres nouvelles - Bram Stoker
- Séverine Renaux (Translator)
| 0 reads |
L'École des Aigles - Jean-Michel Charlier
- Albert Uderzo
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two | 1,150 reads |
La Cité des eaux mouvantes | 1 read |
Nick Fury - Stan Lee
- Jonathan Hickman
- Brian Michael Bendis
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Roman Fever and The Letter / Fièvre romaine et La Lettre - Edith Wharton
- Sophie Chapuis (Translator)
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
The Open Window and Other Short Stories / La Fenêtre ouverte et autres nouvelles - Saki
- Mariolle Aujollet (Translator)
| 1 read |
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy | 9 reads |
Carol Danvers: Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
The Mortal Immortal and Transformation / L’Immortel mortel et Transformation - Mary Shelley
- Axelle Simon (Translator)
| 1 read |
| 5 reads |
The Real Thing / La Chose authentique | 0 reads |
| 7 reads |
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge and Other Short Stories / Un incident au pont d'Owl-Creek et autres nouvelles - Ambrose Bierce
- Axelle Simon (Translator)
| 0 reads |
The Bottle Imp / Le Diable dans la bouteille - Robert Louis Stevenson
- Théo Varlet (Translator)
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |