The mass ornament - Siegfried Kracauer
- Thomas Levin (Translator)
| 0 | - |
| 3 | - |
Marx, marginalism and modern sociology | 0 | - |
História da Sexualidade 1. A Vontade de Saber - Michel Foucault
- Maria Thereza da Costa Albuquerque (Translator)
- José Augusto Guilhon Albuquerque (Translator)
| 3 | - |
| 2 | - |
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte | 3.75 | - |
| 4 | - |
| 3.41 | - |
State of Exception - Giorgio Agamben
- Kevin Attell (Translator)
| 3 | - |
German Ideology - Karl Marx
- Friedrich Engels
| 3.5 | - |
Thinking Without a Banister: Essays in Understanding, 1953-1975 - Hannah Arendt
- John E. Woods (Translator)
| 5 | - |
The Political Unconscious | 4 | - |
Critique of dialectical reason - Jean-Paul Sartre
- Alan Sheridan (Translator)
| 0 | - |
| 4 | - |
| 3.4 | - |
Homo Sacer - Giorgio Agamben
- Daniel Heller-Roazen (Translator)
| 4 | - |
Elephants Can Remember - Agatha Christie
- Agata Kristi
| 3.45 | - |
Phenomenology of Spirit - georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel
| 4 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 3.5 | - |
| 4.1 | - |
Responsibility and Judgment | 5 | - |
Three Blind Mice And Other Stories | 3.44 | - |
Walter Benjamin - Gershom Scholem
- Harry Zohn (Translator)
| 0 | - |
Perpetual Peace and Other Essays | 3 | - |
Zoo - Otsuichi
- Terry Gallagher (Translator)
| 3 | - |
| 0 | - |
Five Little Pigs A Hercule Poirot Mystery | 3.95 | - |
Dialectic of enlightenment - Theodor W. Adorno
- Max Horkheimer
| 4.33 | - |
The Trial - Franz Kafka
- Willa Muir (Translator)
- Edwin Muir (Translator)
| 3.97 | - |
| 3.8 | - |
Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future | 3.49 | - |
The Concept of the Political - Carl Schmitt
- Matthias Konzett (Translator)
- John P. McCormick (Translator)
- J. Harvey Lomax (Translator)
| 3.69 | - |
| 3 | - |
Selections from the Prison Notebooks - Antonio Gramsci
- Geoffrey Nowell-Smith (Translator)
- Quintin Hoare (Translator)
| 5 | - |
| 4.16 | - |
Being and Time - Martin Heidegger
- John MacQuarrie (Translator)
- Edward Schouten Robinson (Translator)
| 3.6 | - |
Critique of Judgment - Immanuel Kant
- Werner S. Pluhar (Translator)
| 3.5 | - |
The accumulation of capital - Rosa Luxemburg
- Agnes Schwarzschild (Translator)
| 0 | - |
| 0 | - |
The Life of the Mind - Hannah Arendt
- Mary McCarthy
| 4 | - |
Os Elefantes Não Esquecem | 3.9 | - |
Grundrisse - Karl Marx
- Martin Nicolaus (Translator)
| 0 | - |
| 3.85 | - |
The Condition of the Working Class in England: From Personal Observation and Authentic Sources | 0 | - |
Aesthetics and Politics - Theodor W. Adorno
- Walter Benjamin
- Bertolt Brecht
- György Lukács
- Ernst Bloch
| 0 | - |
The Square and the Tower : Networks and Power, from the Freemasons to Facebook | 3 | - |
The Mysterious Affair at Styles | 3.85 | - |
| 3.97 | - |
The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side | 3.6 | - |
The Roman Hat Mystery Lib/E | 3.5 | - |
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Vol 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production - Karl Marx
- Edward Aveling (translator)
- Samuel Moore (translator)
| 3.85 | - |
Critique of Practical Reason | 3.67 | - |
| 3.5 | - |
| 3.73 | - |
The Complete Stories - Franz Kafka
- Willa Muir (Translator)
- Edwin Muir (Translator)
- Tania Stern (Translator)
- James Stern (Translator)
- Ernst Kaiser (Translator)
- Eithne Wilkins (Translator)
| 3.95 | - |
The History of Sexuality, Volume 3: The Care of the Self - Michel Foucault
- Robert Hurley (Translator)
| 3.46 | - |
| 3.65 | - |
| 3.33 | - |
| 4.13 | - |
| 4.2 | - |
| 3.98 | - |
| 4 | - |
The French Powder Mystery | 3.5 | - |
| 4.01 | - |
The House of Rothschild, Vol 1: Money's Prophets, 1798-1848 | 4 | - |
On the Genealogy of Morality - Friedrich Nietzsche
- Michael A. Scarpitti (Translator)
| 3.9 | - |
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil | 4.24 | - |
| 3.68 | - |
| 3.75 | - |
Being and Nothingness - Jean-Paul Sartre
- Hazel E. Barnes (translator)
| 3.88 | - |
| 3.79 | - |
| 4.04 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 0 | - |
The Egyptian Cross Mystery | 0 | - |
Transcritique on Kant and Marx | 0 | - |
| 4 | - |
| 3.62 | - |
The Mystery of the Yellow Room | 4.08 | - |
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals - Immanuel Kant
- Mary Gregor
- Jens Timmermann (Translator)
| 3.73 | - |
Hercule Poirot's Casebook | 3.3 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 4.05 | - |
| 0 | - |
The Exploits Of Sherlock Holmes - Adrian Conan Doyle
- John Dickson Carr
| 4.25 | - |
| 3 | - |
| 3.85 | - |
Thomas Jefferson: Author of America | 4 | - |
The Three Coffins - John Dickson Carr
- 辛可加 (Translator)
| 3.5 | - |
The Trial of Henry Kissinger | 4.5 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 3.79 | - |
| 4 | - |
| 4 | - |
| 3.97 | - |
Murder at the Vicarage A Miss Marple Mystery | 3.89 | - |
| 0 | - |