The Snorks and the Waterwitch |
Creature from the Black Lagoon |
The Count's Number Parade |
Raggedy Ann and Andy Giant Treasury - Nancy Golden
- Johnny Gruelle
Deputy Dan and the bank robbers |
Sebastian (Super Sleuth) and the time capsule caper |
The Sign in Mendel's Window |
T.J. and the Pirate Who Wouldn't Go Home |
Miss Plunkett to the rescue |
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street |
The Boy Who Discovered the Earth |
I'll protect you from the jungle beasts |
The Littles Visit the Statue of Liberty |
Paddington takes the test |
The Day the Spaceship Landed |
L. Frank Baum's Dorothy and the Wicked Witch |
The Terrible Thing That Happened at Our House |
Ian Fleming's story of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! |
This Star Shall Abide: aka Heritage of the Star |
Awfully short for the fourth grade |
The Murders in the Rue Morgue |
The Haunting of Grade Three |
The kingdom and the cave. |
Aliens for Breakfast - Jonathan Etra
- Stephanie Spinner
Invisible Man - William R. Sanford
- Carl R. Green
What the Wind Told - Betty Virginia Doyle Boegehold
Some of the adventures of Rhode Island Red |
The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein |
The Secret Seven and the case of the old horse. |
The Berenstain Bears on the Moon - Stan Berenstain
- Jan Berenstain
The Bloodhound Gang in the case of the flying clock |
Worst Person in the World |
Sebastian (super sleuth) and the Santa Claus caper |
The mystery of the pirate ghost |
Commander Toad and the Planet of the Grapes |
Sebastian (super sleuth) and the stars-in-his-eyes-mystery |
You're Only Old Once!: A Book for Obsolete Children |
The Adventures of Big Bird in Dinosaur Days |