How to Prevent the Next Pandemic | 1 read |
Democracy in America - Adam Smith
- Smith
- Garnier (Germain)
| 41 reads |
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity | 292 reads |
The Grand Mosque of Paris: A Story of How Muslims Rescued Jews During the Holocaust - Karen Gray Ruelle
- Deborah Durland DeSaix
| 0 reads |
African Intelligence Services: Early Postcolonial and Contemporary Challenges | 0 reads |
مختارات من وثائق حكومة بومباي - عبدالعزيز عبدالغني إبراهيم
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paulo Freire
- Myra Bergman Ramos (Translator)
| 32 reads |
Win Every Argument: The Art of Debating, Persuading, and Public Speaking | 6 reads |
Minister in Oman: A Personal Narrative | 0 reads |
الإباضية بين حراسة الدين وسياسة الدنيا | 0 reads |
التجربة الدستورية في عمان | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To | 32 reads |
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams | 335 reads |
وإليكم التفاصيل محمد كريشان يروي | 0 reads |
Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, at Home and Abroad | 1 read |
| 34 reads |
كتاب الموسيقى الكبير - Al-Farabi
- أبو نصر الفارابي
| 0 reads |
التوحيد - أصل الإسلام وحقيقة التوحيد | 0 reads |
Makran, Oman, and Zanzibar | 0 reads |
The First Sultan of Zanzibar | 0 reads |
The Underlying Religion: An Introduction to the Perennial Philosophy | 1 read |
The Crisis of the Modern World - René Guénon
- Marco Pallis (Translator)
- Esra Temür (Translator)
- Richard C. Nicholson (Translator)
| 3 reads |
Radio: An Illustrated Guide | 0 reads |
آراء ودراسات حول كتاب عمان... الديمقراطية الاسلامية | 0 reads |
مذكرات مستر همفر الجاسوس البريطاني في البلدان الإسلامية | 0 reads |
The Life of the Red Sea Dhow: A Cultural History of Seaborne Exploration in the Islamic World | 0 reads |
Out on the Wire: Uncovering the Secrets of Radio's New Masters of Story with Ira Glass | 6 reads |
| 0 reads |
Islam in the eastern African novel | 0 reads |
The Key Man: The True Story of How the Global Elite Was Duped by a Capitalist Fairy Tale | 0 reads |
| 70 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
أوطان آيلة للسقوط قراءة في حوارات جندي مجهول | 0 reads |
السلطان عبد الحميد والرقص مع الذئاب - Mustafa Armağan
- مصطفى حمزة (Translator)
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East | 1 read |
The Life And Times Of Abdulwahid Sykes | 0 reads |
The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses | 204 reads |
The power of habit why we do what we do and how to change it | 425 reads |
Shake Hands with the Devil - Roméo Dallaire
- Samantha Power
| 4 reads |
The Receding Shadow of the Prophet: The Rise and Fall of Radical Political Islam - Ray Takeyh
- Nikolas K. Gvosdev
| 0 reads |
Mwembechai killings, and the political future of Tanzania | 0 reads |
The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli
- Rufus Goodwin (Translator)
| 329 reads |
مذكرات رجل عماني من زنجبار | 0 reads |
A Physician on the Nile: A Description of Egypt and Journal of the Famine Years - ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baghdādī
| 0 reads |
دولة زنجبار العربية - نورمان بينيت
- رحمة الحبسي (Translator)
| 0 reads |
زنجبار التكالب الإستعماري و تجارة الرق | 0 reads |
ثورة زنجبار 1964م : هل العرب مواطنون في أفريقيا أم مستوطنون؟ | 0 reads |
وردة - صنع الله إبراهيم
- Sonallah Ibrahim
| 0 reads |
| 382 reads |
من الفرضاني: يوميات رحلة إلى زنجبار وممباسا والبر الأفريقي | 0 reads |
العائدون حيث الحلم؛ مشاهد وذكريات عودة من زنجبار والجزيرة الخضراء إلى عمان | 0 reads |
تنزيه الأبصار والأفكار في رحلة سلطان زنجبار | 0 reads |
| 88 reads |
Slavery and Manumission: British Policy in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf in the First Half of the 20th Century | 0 reads |
Speaking with Their Own Voices: The Stories of Slaves in the Persian Gulf in the 20th Century | 0 reads |
Be More Pirate: Or How to Take On the World and Win | 2 reads |
Hajj to the Heart: Sufi Journeys Across the Indian Ocean | 0 reads |
Podcasting: New Aural Cultures and Digital Media | 0 reads |
Muslims, Scholars, Soldiers: The Origin and Elaboration of the Ibadi Imamate Traditions | 0 reads |
الحق الدامغ - أحمد بن حمد الخليلي
- Ahmed Al-Khalili
| 0 reads |
The Epistle of Salim Ibn Dhakwan - Patricia Crone (Translator)
- Fritz Zimmermann (Translator)
| 0 reads |
Early Ibadi Literature: Abu l-Mundhir Bashir b. Muhammad b. Mahbub. Kitab al-Rasf fi l-Tawhid, Kitab al-Muharaba and Sira. Introduced and edited by ... die Kunde Des Morgenlandes) | 0 reads |
Anatomy of Dissent in Islamic Societies: Ibadism, Rebellion, and Legitimacy | 0 reads |
Ibadi Theology. Rereading Sources and Scholarly Works | 0 reads |
Oman - The Islamic Democratic Tradition | 0 reads |
Ibadi Jurisprudence: Origins, Developments and Cases - Barbara Michalak-Pikulska
- Reinhard Eisener
| 0 reads |
The Essentials of Ibadi Islam | 0 reads |
The Ibadis in the Region of the Indian Ocean: Section One: East Africa | 0 reads |
التجربة الدستورية في عُمان | 0 reads |
Slaves of One Master: Globalization and Slavery in Arabia in the Age of Empire | 0 reads |
Head Of The Mossad: In Pursuit of a Safe and Secure Israel | 0 reads |
The Greatest Salesman in the World | 18 reads |
| 246 reads |
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream | 81 reads |
أوامر القتل: برقيات طلعت باشا والإبادة الأرمنية - Taner Akçam
- تنار أكجام
- كيفورك خاتون وانيس (Translator)
| 0 reads |
![Cover 5]( Mecca Mecca: From Before Genesis Until Now | 0 reads |
Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources | 6 reads |
| 0 reads |
حق الحلم: بحرينيون في ثورة ظفار | 0 reads |
How to Tell a Story - The Moth
- Neil Gaiman
- Elizabeth Gilbert
| 5 reads |
| 0 reads |
How to Write Sales Letters That Sell | 0 reads |
Power, Politics, and the African Condition: Collected Essays of Ali A. Mazrui, Vol. 3 | 0 reads |
Nationalism and New States in Africa: From About 1935 to the Present - Ali A. Mazrui
- Michael Tidy
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
The Africans: A Triple Heritage | 0 reads |
Islam: Between Globalization & Counter Terrorism - Ali A. Mazrui
- Shalahudin Kafrawi
- Ruzima Sebuharara
| 0 reads |
Africanity Redefined: Collected Essays of Ali A. Mazrui | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
The Power of Babel: Language & Governance in the African Experience - Ali A. Mazrui
- Alamin Mazrui
| 0 reads |
The Doctor of Zanzibar: John Kirk and the Abolition of Slavery in Africa | 0 reads |
Slavery and Slaving in World History: A Bibliography, 1900-91: v. 2: A Bibliography, 1900-91 | 0 reads |
Child Slaves in the Modern World | 0 reads |
The Problem of Slavery as History: A Global Approach | 0 reads |
Way of Death: Merchant Capitalism and the Angolan Slave Trade, 1730-1830 | 0 reads |
الاستبداد... مظاهره و مواجهته | 0 reads |