Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind | - |
How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain | - |
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And Then All Hell Broke Loose: Two Decades in the Middle East | - |
Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space | - |
Poor Economics - Abhijit V. Banerjee
- Esther Duflo
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What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture | - |
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Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors | - |
A Dog's Heart - Mikhail Bulgakov
- Andrew Bromfield (Translator)
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Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev
- Constance Garnett (Translator)
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Flight Paths: How a Passionate and Quirky Group of Pioneering Scientists Solved the Mystery of Bird Migration | - |
Economics in America: An Immigrant Economist Explores the Land of Inequality | - |
And Then What?: Inside Stories of 21st-Century Diplomacy | - |
Wayfinding: The Science and Mystery of How Humans Navigate the World | - |
A Passion for Ignorance: What We Choose Not to Know and Why | - |
How the West Stole Democracy From the Arabs: The Syrian Arab Congress of 1920 and the Destruction of Its Historic Liberal-Islamic Alliance | 5 |
Saudi Arabia and Iran: The struggle to shape the Middle East | - |
A Life Removed : Hunting for Refuge in the Modern World | - |
Instructions for American Servicemen in Iraq during World War II - U.S. Department of the Army
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Making the Arab World: Nasser, Qutb, and the Clash That Shaped the Middle East | - |
A Life in the Shadows: A Memoir | - |
The Iconoclast: Shinzo Abe and the New Japan | - |
The Middle Way: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Leadership | - |
The Last Shah: America, Iran, and the Fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty | - |
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The Trials of Life: A Natural History of Animal Behaviour | - |
Teachers as State-Builders: Education and the Making of the Modern Middle East | - |
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The Levant Express: The Arab Uprisings, Human Rights, and the Future of the Middle East | - |
![Cover 3]( Wolf Hall Wolf Hall: A Novel Paperback By Mantel, Hilary | - |
Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business—and What to Do About It | - |
Principles of Macroeconomics Explained | - |
Why Nations and Economies Can Fail | - |
Strategic Analytics: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review | - |
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On Nature: Unexpected Ramblings On The British Countryside | - |
Arab Spring Then and Now: From Hope to Despair - Robert Fisk
- Patrick Cockburn
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Revolution Without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring | - |
But You Don't Look Arab: And Other Tales of Unbelonging | - |
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The Hound of the Baskervilles | - |
The Mysterious Affair at Styles | - |
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue | - |
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Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque II | - |
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The Picture of Dorian Gray | - |
Quiet the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking | - |
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Being and Time - Martin Heidegger
- John MacQuarrie (Translator)
- Edward Schouten Robinson (Translator)
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عمر بن الخطاب الخليفة الراشدى العظيم والإمام العادل الرحيم | - |
عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه الحيي السخي ذو النورين | - |
أبو بكر الصديق خليفة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم | - |
الذخيرة في محاسن أهل الجزيرة - ابن بسام الشنتريني الأندلسي
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السلطان الشهيد عماد الدين زنكي شخصيته وعصره - Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi
- علي محمد الصلابي
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الدولة الزنكية ونجاح المشروع الإسلامي بقيادة نور الدين محمود الشهيد في مقاومة التغلغل الباطني والغزو الصليبي - Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi
- علي محمد الصلابي
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![Cover 5]( دولة السلاجقة دولة السلاجقة: وبروز مشروع إسلامي لمقاومة التغلغل الباطني والغزو الصليبي - Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi
- علي محمد الصلابي
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تاريخ الدولة العلية العثمانية | - |
تاريخ الدولة العثمانية - Yılmaz Öztuna
- عدنان محمود سليمان (Translator)
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تاريخ ابن خلدون - 8 أجزاء | 4 |
أشياء غريبة يقولها الزبائن في متاجر الكتب 2 | - |
تهذيب كتاب مشارع الأشواق إلى مصارع العشاق | 4 |
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حي بن يقظان: النصوص الأربعة ومبدعوها - Ibn Tufail
- Avicenna
- Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi
- ابن النفيس
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![Cover 2]( الدولة العثمانية الدولة العثمانية: عوامل النهوض وأسباب السقوط - Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi
- علي محمد الصلابي
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المصاحف المنسوبة إلى عثمان وعلي | 5 |
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كتاب الفراسة لفخر الدين الرازي | - |
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الدولة الأموية: عوامل الازدهار وتداعيات الانهيار - Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi
- علي محمد الصلابي
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المنتظم في تاريخ الملوك واﻷمم | - |
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تاريخ الطبري: تاريخ الأمم والملوك | - |
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المستطرف في كل فن مستظرف - شهاب الدين محمد بن أحمد الأبشيهي
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