What are your favorite books of all time?Answer
When you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personality as a teen, or ones that inspired you. Whatever conditions you want. These are your favorites after all.
1991 • 7 Readers • 4.2
Why this book?
Firstly, R’ Telushkin can do no wrong. Secondly, this is THE reference book for all things Jewish, if you interact with Jews in any capacity ever, this should be required reading.
2002 • 4 Readers • 4
Why this book?
It just checks all the boxes; fascinating alternate history premise(Alexandria’s library is doing just fine here, thank you), set in renaissance Venice featuring political maneuvering, an inherently magical world, multipolar Christianity for the West from a ridiculously early period, Celtic-Norse civilization spreading from Brittany to Vinland, what else could you want in escapist fantasy?
1965 • 3,926 Readers • 4.3
Why this book?
This book is, to my mind at least, the pinnacle of classic sci-fi with fantastical ideas and characters, but also with profound and timeless things to say about humanity and the ways we relate to one another.
2019 • 911 Readers • 4
Why this book?
This is less a book and more a love letter to books, readers, and the art of storytelling. I mean this in the most flattering and awestruck way possible
2008 • 504 Readers • 4.2
Why this book?
Stephenson built a whole world to theorize about quantum mechanics, consciousness, the history of philosophy and science, and the place of ritual and tradition in the modern world and then made a gripping story while he was at it.