Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry |
Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry |
Homological Mirror Symmetry: New Developments and Perspectives |
Minimal Surfaces - Ulrich Dierkes
- Stefan Hildebrandt
- Friedrich Sauvigny
Regularity of Minimal Surfaces - Ulrich Dierkes
- Stefan Hildebrandt
- Anthony Tromba
A Survey of Minimal Surfaces |
A Theory of Branched Minimal Surfaces |
Beyond Einstein - Michio Kaku
- Jennifer Trainer Thompson
Quantum Field Theory: A Modern Introduction International Student Edition |
Strings, Conformal Fields, and M-Theory |
Elliptic Operators and Compact Groups |
Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part I - Philip M. Morse
- Herman Feshbach
Methods of modern mathematical physics |
Fourier Analysis, Self-Adjointness |
Introduction to Measure Theory and Integration - Luigi Ambrosio
- Giuseppe Da Prato
- Andrea Mennucci
Uniform Spaces and Measures |
Théorie Des Distributions |
Generalized Measure Theory - Zhenyuan Wang
- George J. Klir
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence |
Arte poética: seis conferencias |
The Aleph and Other Stories 1933-1969 |
Collected Fictions - Jorge Luis Borges
- Andrew Hurley (Translator)
A New Approach to Differential Geometry using Clifford's Geometric Algebra |
Classical Electromagnetic Theory |
New Foundations for Classical Mechanics |
The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel |
Cohomology of Drinfeld Modular Varieties, Part 1, Geometry, Counting of Points and Local Harmonic Analysis - Gérard Laumon
- Laumon Gerard
Cohomology of Drinfeld Modular Varieties |
Champs algébriques - Gérard Laumon
- L. Moret-Bailly
Vector Bundles on Curves - New Directions: Lectures given at the 3rd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo - Shrawan Kumar
- Gérard Laumon
- Ulrich Stuhler
The Secret Life of Numbers: 50 Easy Pieces on How Mathematicians Work And Think |
Numbers Rule: The Vexing Mathematics of Democracy, from Plato to the Present |
Is the Universe Open or Closed?: The Density of Matter in the Universe |
Dynamical Systems in Cosmology |
Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers |
![Cover 4](https://assets.hardcover.app/static/covers/cover5.png) Georg Cantor Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite |
Quantum Geometry: A Statistical Field Theory Approach - Jan Ambjørn
- Thordur Jonsson
- Bergfinnur Durhuus
Geometry of Quantum States: An Introduction to Quantum Entanglement - Ingemar Bengtsson
- Karol Życzkowski
Geometry of Quantum Theory |
Worlds Out of Nothing: A Course in the History of Geometry in the 19th Century |
Modern Geometry with Applications |
Symmetry and Pattern in Projective Geometry |
Geometry by Its History - Alexander Ostermann
- Gerhard Wanner
Strasbourg Master Class on Geometry |
Ricci Flow and Geometrization of 3-Manifolds - John W. Morgan
- Frederick Tsz-Ho Fong
Lectures on the Ricci Flow |
Sobolev Inequalities, Heat Kernels under Ricci Flow, and the Poincare Conjecture |
An Introduction to Spinors and Geometry with Applications in Physics, |
Topology and Geometry in Physics |
Differentiable Manifolds: A Theoretical Physics Approach - Gerardo F. Torres del Castillo
Geometry of Low-Dimensional Manifolds, Vol. 2: Symplectic Manifolds and Jones-Witten Theory |
Topology and Geometry for Physics |
Differential Geometry and Lie Groups for Physicists |
The geometry of physics : an introduction |
Lectures on advanced mathematical methods for physicists |
Topology, Geometry, and Gauge Fields |
Topology, Geometry and Gauge fields: Interactions |
Geometry, Topology and Physics |
Topology and Geometry for Physicists - Charles Nash
- Siddhartha Sen
A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics |
Loop Spaces, Characteristic Classes and Geometric Quantization |
Geometric Quantization and Quantum Mechanics |
Geometric Measure Theory: A Beginner's Guide |
Handbook of Geometric Analysis, No. 1 |
Topological Crystallography: With a View Towards Discrete Geometric Analysis |
Geometric Algebra and Applications to Physics |
Geometric Algebra for Physicists - Chris Doran
- Anthony Lasenby
New Foundations in Mathematics: The Geometric Concept of Number |
Genome: the Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters |
Gauge Theories in Particle Physics: A Practical Introduction, Volume 1: From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to QED - Ian J.R. Aitchison
- Anthony J.G. Hey
Gauge Theories in Particle Physics: A Practical Introduction, Volume 2: Non-Abelian Gauge Theories: QCD and The Electroweak Theory - Ian J.R. Aitchison
- Anthony J.G. Hey