Reverse Engineering the Mind: Consciously Acting Machines and Accelerated Evolution |
Lectures on Electromagnetism |
Sous Vide at Home: The Modern Technique for Perfectly Cooked Meals - Lisa Q. Fetterman
- Meesha Halm
- Scott Peabody
Petite philosophie du vélo |
My Dear Li: Correspondence, 1937-1946 - Werner Heisenberg
- Elisabeth Heisenberg
- Irene Heisenberg (Translator)
The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past |
Cosmos: Une ontologie matérialiste |
Beyond Zero and One: Machines, Psychedelics, and Consciousness |
Hadrons at Finite Temperature - Samirnath Mallik
- Sourav Sarkar
Conformal Symmetry Breaking Operators for Differential Forms on Spheres - Toshiyuki Kobayashi
- Toshihisa Kubo
- Michael Pevzner
Surveys in Theoretical High Energy Physics - 2: Lecture Notes from SERC Schools |
Supermathematics and its Applications in Statistical Physics: Grassmann Variables and the Method of Supersymmetry |
Random Walks on Reductive Groups - Yves Benoist
- Jean-Francois Quint
A Combinatorial Perspective on Quantum Field Theory |
An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Groups |
Friendly Introduction to Mathematical Logic, A |
Probability Logics: Probability-Based Formalization of Uncertain Reasoning - Zoran Ognjanovic
- Miodrag Rašković
- Zoran Marković
Lectures on Matrix Field Theory |
A First Course in Topology: Continuity and Dimension |
Group Representation for Quantum Theory |
Dynamical Systems on 2- and 3-Manifolds - Viatcheslav Grines
- Timur V. Medvedev
- Olga V. Pochinka
Arbeitstagung Bonn 2013: In Memory of Friedrich Hirzebruch |
Quantum Measurement - Paul Busch
- Pekka Lahti
- Juha-Pekka Pellonpää
- Kari Ylinen
Science and the Common Understanding |
A Primer on Quantum Fluids - Carlo Barenghi
- Nick G. Parker
What Does a Black Hole Look Like? |
Derived Functors in Functional Analysis |
Astroparticle Physics: Theory and Phenomenology |
Functional Integrals in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics - V.N. Popov
- J. Niederle (Translator)
- L. Hlavatý (Translator)
Particle Physics in the LHC Era - Giles Barr
- Robin Devenish
- Roman Walczak
- Tony Weidberg
From Dirac to Neutrino Oscillations |
Abstract and Concrete Categories - Jiri Adamek
- Jiří Adámek (ing.)
- Horst Herrlich
- George E. Strecker
Gravitational Lenses - Peter Schneider
- J. Ehlers
- E.E. Falco
The Cambridge Companion to Kant |
Class Clowns: How the Smartest Investors Lost Billions in Education |
The Decomposition of Primes in Torsion Point Fields |
Democracy for Realists Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government - Christopher H. Achen
- Larry M. Bartels
Fail U.: The False Promise of Higher Education |
The Construction of Logical Space |
Euclidean Geometry in Mathematical Olympiads |
 On Truth and Untruth On Truth and Untruth: Selected Writings - Friedrich Nietzsche
- Taylor Carman (Translator)
A Historian Looks Back: The Calculus as Algebra and Selected Writings |
Quantum Information Theory: Mathematical Foundation |
Problems in Classical and Quantum Mechanics - J. Daniel Kelley
- Jacob J. Leventhal
Space, Time and the Limits of Human Understanding, Foreword by John Stachel, Afterword by Noam Chomsky |
Representation Theory of Finite Monoids |
Foundations of Symmetric Spaces of Measurable Functions: Lorentz, Marcinkiewicz and Orlicz Spaces - Ben-Zion A Rubshtein
- Genady Ya. Grabarnik
- Mustafa A. Muratov
- Yulia S. Pashkova
An Introduction to Special Functions |
Quantum Field Theory I: Foundations and Abelian and Non-Abelian Gauge Theories |
The Centered Mind: What the Science of Working Memory Shows Us About the Nature of Human Thought |
Integral Points on Algebraic Varieties: An Introduction to Diophantine Geometry |
Problems and Solutions in Quantum Physics |
The Continuum Limit of Causal Fermion Systems: From Planck Scale Structures to Macroscopic Physics |
Bayesian Inference: Data Evaluation and Decisions |
The Science of Human Evolution: Getting it Right |
The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
The Pythagorean World: Why Mathematics Is Unreasonably Effective In Physics |
- Joe Flowers
Asymptotic Expansion of a Partition Function Related to the Sinh-model - Gaetan Borot
- Alice Guionnet
- Karol K. Kozlowski
Analysis in Banach Spaces: Volume I: Martingales and Littlewood-Paley Theory - Tuomas Hytönen
- Jan van Neerven
- Mark Veraar
- Lutz Weis
Everywhere and Everywhen: Adventures in Physics and Philosophy |
Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity - Dirk Puetzfeld
- Claus Lämmerzahl
- Bernard Schutz
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces |
Neuronal Network Dynamics in 2D and 3D in vitro Neuroengineered Systems |
Space Telescopes: Capturing the Rays of the Electromagnetic Spectrum |
Fundamentals of Physics II: Electromagnetism, Optics, and Quantum Mechanics |
A Space Traveler's Guide to the Solar System |
Précis Des Oeuvres Mathématiques de P. Fermat Et de l'Arithmétique de Diophante |
The Chinese Birdcage: How China's Rise Almost Toppled the West |
The Hundred-Year Marathon |
Lie Groups and Algebras with Applications to Physics, Geometry, and Mechanics - David H. Sattinger
- O.L. Weaver
Self-consistent Quantum-Field Theory and Bosonization for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems |
The Home Barista: How to Bring Out the Best in Every Coffee Bean - Simone Egger
- Ruby Ashby Orr
The Upside of Stress : Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It |
Neoclassical Theory of Electromagnetic Interactions: A Single Theory for Macroscopic and Microscopic Scales - Anatoli Babin
- Alexander Figotin
A History of Science in Society: From Philosophy to Utility |
Neurotechnologies of the Self: Mind, Brain and Subjectivity |
Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials - Richard Beals
- Roderick Wong
Discriminant Equations in Diophantine Number Theory - Jan-Hendrik Evertse
- Kalman Gy Ry
Protective Measurement and Quantum Reality: Towards a New Understanding of Quantum Mechanics |