#6234 | Introduction to Graph Theory | 0 |
#6235 | | 0 |
#6236 | Pearls in Graph Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction - Nora Hartsfield
- Gerhard Ringel
| 0 |
#6237 | Probability on Graphs: Random Processes on Graphs and Lattices | 0 |
#6238 | | 0 |
#6239 | | 0 |
#6240 | A Textbook of Graph Theory - R. Balakrishnan
- K Ranganathan
| 0 |
#6241 | A First Course in Graph Theory | 0 |
#6242 | Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy - Maggie Berg
- Barbara Seeber
| 0 |
#6243 | Real and Complex Analysis - Christopher Apelian
- Steve Surace
| 0 |
#6244 |  Einstein's Heroes Einstein's Heroes: Imagining the World through the Language of Mathematics | 0 |
#6245 | | 0 |
#6246 | The Science of Cooking: Understanding the Biology and Chemistry Behind Food and Cooking - Joseph J. Provost
- Keri L. Colabroy
- Brenda S. Kelly
- Mark A. Wallert
| 0 |
#6247 | | 0 |
#6248 |  Introvert Introvert: The friendly takeover - Linus Jonkman
- Jan Salomonsson (Translator)
| 0 |
#6249 | What We Cannot Know: Explorations at the Edge of Knowledge | 4 |
#6250 | The Age of Em: Work, Love and Life When Robots Rule the Earth | 3 |
#6251 | The Five Horsemen of the Modern World: Climate, Food, Water, Disease, and Obesity | 0 |
#6252 | The Ancient Origins of Consciousness: How the Brain Created Experience - Todd E. Feinberg
- Jon M. Mallatt
| 0 |
#6253 | Evolution of Black Holes in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime and the Firewall Controversy | 0 |
#6254 | | 5 |
#6255 | | 4.25 |
#6256 | But What If We're Wrong? Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past | 3.6 |
#6257 | | 0 |
#6258 | | 4.67 |
#6259 | Epigenetics: How Environment Shapes Our Genes | 0 |
#6260 | Nuclear Forces: The Making of the Physicist Hans Bethe | 0 |
#6261 | The Universe in a Mirror: The Saga of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Visionaries Who Built It | 5 |
#6262 | Elements of Mathematics: From Euclid to Gödel | 0 |
#6263 | Spaces of PL Manifolds and Categories of Simple Maps - Friedhelm Waldhausen
- Bjørn Jahren
- John Rognes
| 0 |
#6264 | Undiluted Hocus-Pocus: The Autobiography of Martin Gardner | 4 |
#6265 | | 3 |
#6266 | Turing Computability: Theory and Applications | 0 |
#6267 | Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf Algebras over Groups of Prime Order | 0 |
#6268 | Particle Metaphysics: A Critical Account of Subatomic Reality | 0 |
#6269 | Mathematical Theory of Nonequilibrium Steady States: On the Frontier of Probability and Dynamical Systems | 0 |
#6270 | How the hippies saved physics | 0 |
#6271 | | 0 |
#6272 | Theoretical Physics 1: Classical Mechanics | 0 |
#6273 | Theoretical Physics 2: Analytical Mechanics | 0 |
#6274 | Theoretical Physics 3: Electrodynamics | 0 |
#6275 | Extreme States of Matter: on Earth and in the Cosmos | 0 |
#6276 | | 0 |
#6277 | | 0 |
#6278 | The Emerging Physics of Consciousness | 0 |
#6279 | The Future of Human Space Exploration - Giovanni F. Bignami
- Andrea Sommariva
| 0 |
#6280 | From Physics to Daily Life: Applications in Informatics, Energy, and Environment | 0 |
#6281 | | 0 |
#6282 | Arithmeticity in the Theory of Automorphic Forms | 0 |
#6283 | Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms | 0 |
#6284 | Automorphic Functions and Number Theory | 0 |
#6285 | Elementary Dirichlet Series and Modular Forms | 0 |
#6286 | Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions | 0 |
#6287 | Modular Forms: Basics and Beyond | 0 |
#6288 | | 0 |
#6289 | Entanglement, Information, and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics | 0 |
#6290 | Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics | 0 |
#6291 | The Birth of Particle Physics | 0 |
#6292 | Decoherence and the Quantum-to-Classical Transition - Maximilian A. Schlosshauer
| 0 |
#6293 | Knowledge and the World: Challenges Beyond the Science Wars: Challenges Beyond The Science Wars | 0 |
#6294 | Quantum Mechanics and Gravity | 0 |
#6295 | | 0 |
#6296 | Analytic Properties of Automorphic L-Functions - Stephen S. Gelbart
- Freydoon Shahidi
| 0 |
#6297 | Relativity and the Nature of Spacetime | 0 |
#6298 | A Friendly Introduction to Analysis: Single and Multivariable | 0 |
#6299 | Diffusion, Quantum Theory, and Radically Elementary Mathematics | 0 |
#6300 | | 0 |
#6301 | Foliation Theory in Algebraic Geometry | 0 |
#6302 | Modern Logic 1850-1950, East and West | 0 |
#6303 | Perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: An Introduction for Mathematicians | 0 |
#6304 | | 0 |
#6305 | | 0 |
#6306 | Surfaces in Classical Geometries: A Treatment by Moving Frames - Gary R. Jensen
- Emilio Musso
- Lorenzo Nicolodi
| 0 |
#6307 | Statistics for Mathematicians: A Rigorous First Course | 0 |
#6308 | A Course in Classical Physics 2―Fluids and Thermodynamics | 0 |
#6309 | Brownian Motion, Martingales, and Stochastic Calculus | 0 |
#6310 | At the Frontier of Spacetime: Scalar-Tensor Theory, Bells Inequality, Machs Principle, Exotic Smoothness | 0 |
#6311 | Essays in Mathematics and its Applications: In Honor of Vladimir Arnold | 0 |
#6312 | Basics of Thermal Field Theory: A Tutorial on Perturbative Computations - Miko Laine
- Aleksi Vuorinen
| 0 |
#6313 | Open Problems in Mathematics | 0 |
#6314 | University Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Single Variable - Joel R. Hass
- Maurice D. Weir
- George B. Thomas Jr.
| 0 |
#6315 | Survival under Uncertainty: An Introduction to Probability Models of Social Structure and Evolution | 0 |
#6316 | Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally - John A. Van de Walle
- Karen S. Karp
- Jennifer M. Bay-Williams
| 5 |
#6317 | Complex Algebraic Geometry | 0 |
#6318 | Galileo's Idol: Gianfrancesco Sagredo and the Politics of Knowledge | 0 |
#6319 | Mathematics, Substance and Surmise: Views on the Meaning and Ontology of Mathematics | 0 |
#6320 | Scientific Models: Red Atoms, White Lies and Black Boxes in a Yellow Book | 0 |
#6321 | Probability for Physicists | 0 |
#6322 | | 3.33 |
#6323 | Murder on the Einstein Express and Other Stories | 0 |
#6324 | How Can Physics Underlie the Mind?: Top-Down Causation in the Human Context - George Francis Rayner Ellis
| 0 |
#6325 | Application of Holomorphic Functions in Two and Higher Dimensions - Klaus Gürlebeck
- Klaus Habetha
- Wolfgang Sprößig
| 0 |
#6326 | Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations - Adnan Tercan
- Canan C. Yücel
| 0 |
#6327 | Dark Energy and the Formation of the Large Scale Structure of the Universe | 0 |
#6328 | The Method of Rigged Spaces in Singular Perturbation Theory of Self-Adjoint Operators - Volodymyr Koshmanenko
- Mykola Dudkin
- Nataliia Koshmanenko (Translator)
| 0 |
#6329 | Thomas' Calculus: Early Trandscendentals: Instructor's Solution Manual Part One - Maurice D. Weir
- Joel R. Hass
- Frank R. Giordano
| 0 |
#6330 | Hyperbolicity of Projective Hypersurfaces - Simone Diverio
- Erwan Rousseau
| 0 |
#6331 | Hasse-Schmidt Derivations on Grassmann Algebras: With Applications to Vertex Operators - Letterio Gatto
- Parham Salehyan
| 0 |
#6332 | Turbulence: Introduction to Theory and Applications of Turbulent Flows - Frans T M Nieuwstadt
- Jerry Westerweel
- Bendiks J. Boersma
| 0 |
#6333 | Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint: Volume III: Precision Mathematics and Approximation Mathematics - Felix Klein
- Marta Menghini (Translator)
- Anna Baccaglini-Frank (Translator)
| 0 |