#5932 | A Topological Chern-Weil Theory - Anthony V. Phillips
- M.D. Stone, David A.
| 1 read |
#5933 | | 0 reads |
#5934 | | 2 reads |
#5935 | The Principles of Thermodynamics | 1 read |
#5936 | LMSST: 51 Steps Commut Algebra 2ed | 1 read |
#5937 | Representations and Cohomology: Volume 1, Basic Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras | 1 read |
#5938 | Representations and Cohomology: Volume 2, Cohomology of Groups and Modules | 1 read |
#5939 | Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle: Essays in Honour of Abner Shimony | 1 read |
#5940 | Green’s Functions in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations | 1 read |
#5941 | Directed Algebraic Topology and Concurrency - Lisbeth Fajstrup
- Eric Goubault
- Emmanuel Haucourt
- Samuel Mimram
- Martin Raussen
| 1 read |
#5942 | The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer | 136 reads |
#5943 | Elementary Algebraic Geometry | 1 read |
#5945 | | 1 read |
#5946 | Quantum Computation and Quantum Communication: : Theory and Experiments | 1 read |
#5947 | | 0 reads |
#5948 | Lucifer's Legacy: The Meaning of Asymmetry | 1 read |
#5949 | | 0 reads |
#5950 | | 0 reads |
#5951 | Quantization on Nilpotent Lie Groups - Veronique Fischer
- Michael Ruzhansky
| 1 read |
#5952 | Mathematics form and function | 0 reads |
#5953 | Statistical Analysis for High-Dimensional Data: The Abel Symposium 2014 | 1 read |
#5954 | Quantum Lie Theory: A Multilinear Approach | 1 read |
#5955 | Quantization, PDEs, and Geometry: The Interplay of Analysis and Mathematical Physics | 1 read |
#5956 | Geometric Methods in Physics: XXXIII Workshop, Białowieża, Poland, June 29 – July 5, 2014 | 1 read |
#5957 | Compactifying Moduli Spaces - Paul Hacking
- Radu Laza
- Dragos Oprea
| 1 read |
#5958 | Where Mathematics Come From: How The Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics Into Being - George Lakoff
- Rafael Núñez
| 0 reads |
#5959 | Newton's Apple and Other Myths about Science | 0 reads |
#5960 | Introduction to Analytic Number Theory | 1 read |
#5961 | | 0 reads |
#5962 | James Van Allen: The First Eight Billion Miles | 1 read |
#5963 | | 0 reads |
#5964 | | 1 read |
#5965 | | 1 read |
#5966 | The Spectrum of Hyperbolic Surfaces | 1 read |
#5967 | Galileo and the Equations of Motion | 1 read |
#5968 | | 1 read |
#5969 | | 1 read |
#5970 | Geometry of Riemann Surfaces and Teichmüller Spaces | 1 read |
#5971 | Infinite Thought: Truth and the Return to Philosophy | 1 read |
#5972 | | 1 read |
#5973 | | 1 read |
#5974 | Advanced Complex Analysis | 1 read |
#5975 | | 1 read |
#5976 | | 1 read |
#5977 | Minimal Free Resolutions over Complete Intersections - David Eisenbud
- Irena Peeva
| 1 read |
#5978 | | 4 reads |
#5979 | Differential Harnack Inequalities and the Ricci Flow | 1 read |
#5980 | Lie Groups and Lie Algebras I: Foundations of Lie Theory Lie Transformation Groups - V.V. Gorbatsevich
- E.B. Vinberg
- T. Kozlowski (Translator)
| 1 read |
#5981 | Lie Groups and Lie Algebras II: Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups and Cohomologies of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras | 1 read |
#5983 | Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups - Arkadij L. L. Onishchik
- Arkadij L. Onishchik
- Ernest B. Vinberg
| 1 read |
#5984 | 100 Million Years of Food | 1 read |
#5985 | Locally Compact Quantum Groups and Groupoids: Proceedings of the Meeting of Theoretical Physicists and Mathematicians, Strasbourg, February 21-23, 200 ... in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics) | 1 read |
#5986 | Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos | 3 reads |
#5987 | | 7 reads |
#5988 | | 2 reads |
#5989 | Hope And Vision Of J. Robert Oppenheimer, The | 1 read |
#5990 | Traveling at the Speed of Thought: Einstein and the Quest for Gravitational Waves | 0 reads |
#5991 | The Mind Club: Who Thinks, What Feels, and Why It Matters | 0 reads |
#5992 | At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being and Apricot Cocktails | 3 reads |
#5993 | An Einstein Encyclopedia - Alice Calaprice
- Daniel Kennefick
- Robert Schulmann
| 0 reads |
#5994 | Einstein's Theory of Unified Fields - Marie Antoinette Tonnelat
- Richard Akerib (Translator)
| 1 read |
#5995 | Einstein's Enigma or Black Holes in My Bubble Bath | 1 read |
#5997 | Einstein in His Own Words | 1 read |
#5998 | Einstein for the 21st Century - Peter Galison
- Gerald James Holton
- Silvan S. Schweber
| 0 reads |
#5999 | Einstein's Dream: The Search For A Unified Theory Of The Universe | 1 read |
#6000 | | 2 reads |
#6002 | The Principle of Relativity - Albert Einstein
- Hermann Minkowski
| 1 read |
#6003 | | 84 reads |
#6004 | Einstein and the Changing Worldviews of Physics - Christoph Lehner
- Jürgen Renn
- Matthias Schemmel
| 1 read |
#6005 | A Student's Guide to Einstein's Major Papers | 1 read |
#6006 | Albert Meets America: How Journalists Treated Genius during Einstein's 1921 Travels | 1 read |
#6007 | | 1 read |
#6008 | The Evolution of Physics: From Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta - Albert Einstein
- Leopold Infeld
| 3 reads |
#6009 | A stubbornly persistent illusion | 0 reads |
#6010 | | 8 reads |
#6011 | | 1 read |
#6012 | Einstein aujourd'hui - Alain Aspect
- Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
- Eric Brunet
| 1 read |
#6013 | Einstein: His Life and Universe | 61 reads |
#6014 | | 2 reads |
#6015 | Letters to Solovine, 1906–1955 | 1 read |
#6016 | | 1 read |
#6017 | Generalized Dyson Series, Generalized Feynman's Diagrams, the Feynman Integral, and Feynman's Operational Calculus - Gerald W. Johnson
- M. Lapidus
| 1 read |
#6018 | | 1 read |
#6019 | Algebraic Curves and Finite Fields: Cryptography and Other Applications | 1 read |
#6020 | Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory: Revised and Updated First Edition | 1 read |
#6021 | The Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics Was Reborn | 0 reads |
#6022 | Electroweak Physics at the LHC | 1 read |
#6023 | The Great Animal Orchestra : Finding the Origins of Music in the World's Wild Places | 2 reads |
#6024 | The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge | 1 read |
#6025 | Incarnations: India in 50 Lives | 1 read |
#6026 | The Foundations of Mathematics | 1 read |
#6027 | 13.8: The Quest to Find the True Age of the Universe and the Theory of Everything | 1 read |
#6028 | Grain Brain - Kristin Loberg
- David Perlmutter
| 19 reads |
#6029 | | 1 read |
#6030 | Chomsky: Ideas and Ideals - Neilson Voyne Smith
- Nicholas Allott
| 1 read |
#6031 | Why Only Us: Language and Evolution - Robert C. Berwick
- Noam Chomsky
| 0 reads |
#6032 | Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space | 9 reads |
#6033 | | 0 reads |