#7742 | Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - Sergey V. Lototsky
- Boris L. Rozovsky
| 1 read |
#7743 | Twenty-First Century Quantum Mechanics: Hilbert Space to Quantum Computers | 1 read |
#7744 | Problems And Proofs In Real Analysis: Theory Of Measure And Integration | 1 read |
#7745 | Encyclopedia of Science Education | 1 read |
#7746 | Lectures on Hyperhamiltonian Dynamics and Physical Applications - Giuseppe Gaeta
- Miguel A. Rodríguez
| 1 read |
#7747 | The Nature of the Machine and the Collapse of Cybernetics: A Transhumanist Lesson for Emerging Technologies | 1 read |
#7748 | Cosmology for the Curious - Delia Perlov
- Alex Vilenkin
| 0 reads |
#7749 | The Hunting of the Quark: A True Story of Modern Physics | 1 read |
#7750 | The Story of Light Science: From Early Theories to Today's Extraordinary Applications | 1 read |
#7751 | The Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions | 1 read |
#7752 | Understanding Scientific Understanding | 0 reads |
#7753 | | 0 reads |
#7754 | Surfing with Sartre: An Aquatic Inquiry into a Life of Meaning | 1 read |
#7755 | | 1 read |
#7756 | | 1 read |
#7757 | Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education | 1 read |
#7758 | The Theoretical Biologist's Toolbox: Quantitative Methods for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 1 read |
#7759 | Big Data: How the Information Revolution is Transforming our Lives | 1 read |
#7760 | Enhanced Quantization: Particles, Fields & Gravity | 1 read |
#7761 | | 1 read |
#7762 | Quantum Statistical Mechanics in the Natural Sciences: A Volume Dedicated to Lars Onsager on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday | 1 read |
#7763 | BCS Glossary of Computing - BCS Academy Glossary Working Party
| 1 read |
#7764 |  Statistical Data Analytics Statistical Data Analytics: Foundations for Data Mining, Informatics, and Knowledge Discovery, Solutions Manual | 1 read |
#7765 | Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days | 77 reads |
#7766 | Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: An Exploration of the Physical Meaning of Quantum Theory | 1 read |
#7767 | | 2 reads |
#7768 | Common Sense, the Turing Test, and the Quest for Real AI | 1 read |
#7769 | | 18 reads |
#7770 | Mathematics And Its Applications in Industry And Business | 1 read |
#7771 | Love, Literature and the Quantum Atom : Niels Bohr's 1913 Trilogy Revisited - Finn Aaserud
- J.L. Heilbron
| 0 reads |
#7772 | The Curvature of Spacetime - Harald Fritzsch
- Karin Heusch (translator)
| 1 read |
#7773 | L'Univers mathématique - Philip J. Davis
- Reuben Hersh
| 1 read |
#7774 | A Brain for Speech: A View from Evolutionary Neuroanatomy | 1 read |
#7775 | Philosophy of Mathematics: 5 Questions | 1 read |
#7776 | Beyond First Order Model Theory, Volume I | 1 read |
#7777 | | 1 read |
#7778 | The Mathematical Corporation: Where Machine Intelligence and Human Ingenuity Achieve the Impossible - Joshua Sullivan
- Angela Zutavern
| 1 read |
#7779 | Saturn from Cassini-Huygens | 1 read |
#7780 | | 1 read |
#7781 | Computational topology: an introduction - Herbert Edelsbrunner
- John L. Harer
| 0 reads |
#7782 | Decorated Teichmuller Theory | 1 read |
#7783 | New Frontiers in Fields and Strings (Tasi 2015) - Proceedings of the 2015 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics | 1 read |
#7784 | Introduction to Stellar Structure | 1 read |
#7785 | | 6 reads |
#7786 | Activating Assessment for All Students: Innovative Activities, Lesson Plans, and Informative Assessment | 1 read |
#7787 | Cambridge International AS and A Level Computing Coursebook - Chris Leadbetter
- Roger Blackford
- Tony Piper
| 1 read |
#7788 | Inclusive Assessment and Accountability: A Guide to Accommodations for Students with Diverse Needs - Sara E. Bolt
- Andrew T. Roach
| 1 read |
#7789 | The Joy of Mathematics: Marvels, Novelties, and Neglected Gems That Are Rarely Taught in Math Class | 1 read |
#7790 | Are We Screwed?: How a New Generation is Fighting to Survive Climate Change | 0 reads |
#7791 | | 1 read |
#7792 | Zapped: From Infrared to X-rays, the Curious History of Invisible Light | 1 read |
#7793 | | 56 reads |
#7794 | Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn | 1 read |
#7795 |  Climate Change Climate Change: The Facts - Rupert Darwall
- Christopher Essex
- Jo Nova
- Mark Steyn
- Anthony Watts
| 0 reads |
#7796 | | 1 read |
#7797 | | 1 read |
#7798 | Elementary Topics in Differential Geometry | 1 read |
#7799 | Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups | 1 read |
#7800 | Differential Geometry: Connections, Curvature, and Characteristic Classes | 1 read |
#7801 | Elementary Differential Geometry | 1 read |
#7802 | Affine Differential Geometry: Geometry of Affine Immersions - Katsumi Nomizu
- Takeshi Sasaki
| 1 read |
#7803 | Lectures On The Geometry Of Manifolds | 1 read |
#7804 | Topics in Differential Geometry | 1 read |
#7805 | First Steps in Differential Geometry: Riemannian, Contact, Symplectic | 1 read |
#7806 | Geometry from a Differentiable Viewpoint | 1 read |
#7807 | Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids in Differential Geometry | 1 read |
#7808 | Manifolds and Differential Geometry | 1 read |
#7809 | Introduction to Smooth Manifolds | 1 read |
#7810 | Differential Geometry: Curves - Surfaces - Manifolds | 1 read |
#7811 | Cartan for Beginners: Differential Geometry Via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems | 1 read |
#7812 | | 1 read |
#7813 | C^infinity - Differentiable Spaces - Juan B. Navarro González
- Juan B. Sancho de Salas
| 1 read |
#7814 | Differential Forms with Applications to the Physical Sciences | 1 read |
#7815 | Complex and Differential Geometry: Conference held at Leibniz Universität Hannover, September 14 – 18, 2009 | 1 read |
#7816 | Different Faces of Geometry | 1 read |
#7817 | Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces | 1 read |
#7818 | Metric and Differential Geometry: The Jeff Cheeger Anniversary Volume | 1 read |
#7819 | Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future - Andrew McAfee
- Erik Brynjolfsson
| 12 reads |
#7820 | | 13 reads |
#7821 | The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone - Steven Sloman
- Philip Fernbach
| 3 reads |
#7822 | Mathematics Old and New - Saul Stahl
- Paul E. Johnson
| 1 read |
#7823 | Getting Risk Right: Understanding the Science of Elusive Health Risks | 1 read |
#7824 | The Genesis of the Abstract Group Concept: A Contribution to the History of the Origin of Abstract Group Theory | 1 read |
#7825 | | 0 reads |
#7826 | Evolution 2e & Study Guide - Carl Zimmer
- Douglas J. Emlen
| 0 reads |
#7827 | | 11 reads |
#7828 | | 0 reads |
#7829 | Quiver Representations and Quiver Varieties | 1 read |
#7830 | Using Formative Assessment to Enhance Learning, Achievement, and Academic Self-Regulation | 1 read |
#7831 | Algebra with Galois Theory | 0 reads |
#7832 | Priest of Nature: The Religious Worlds of Isaac Newton | 1 read |
#7833 | | 0 reads |
#7834 | | 1 read |
#7835 | Significant Figures : The Lives and Work of Great Mathematicians | 1 read |
#7836 | An Introduction to Proof through Real Analysis | 1 read |
#7837 | Principles of Learning and Memory | 1 read |
#7838 | Landau: The Physicist & the Man: Recollections of L D Landau | 1 read |
#7839 | Setting Aside All Authority: Giovanni Battista Riccioli and the Science against Copernicus in the Age of Galileo | 1 read |
#7840 |  For Fun and Profit For Fun and Profit: A History of the Free and Open Source Software Revolution | 1 read |
#7841 | Landau: A Great Physicist and Teacher | 1 read |