#5732 | Tesla: A Portrait with Masks |
#5733 | Masters of the planet seeking the origins of human singularity |
#5734 | |
#5735 | The Invention of Science: A New History of the Scientific Revolution |
#5736 | How Nature Works: The Science of Self-Organized Criticality |
#5737 | |
#5738 | Complexity: A Guided Tour |
#5741 | |
#5742 | |
#5743 | The Call of Character: Living a Life Worth Living |
#5744 | The Quantum Handshake: Entanglement, Nonlocality and Transactions |
#5745 | Groupes quantiques - Introduction au point de vue formel: Introduction au point de vue formel |
#5746 | An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales |
#5747 | Constructivism in Practical Philosophy - James Lenman
- Yonatan Shemmer
#5748 | Biologie de la conscience |
#5749 | Celestial Revolutionary: Copernicus, the Man and His Universe |
#5750 |  Creation Creation: How Science Is Reinventing Life Itself |
#5751 | Human Purpose and Transhuman Potential: A Cosmic Vision of Our Future Evolution |
#5752 | Genius in France: An Idea and Its Uses |
#5753 | Classical Mathematical Logic: The Semantic Foundations of Logic |
#5754 | |
#5755 | |
#5756 | Dangerous Trade: Arms Exports, Human Rights, and International Reputation |
#5757 | Two Hours: The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon |
#5758 | The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat |
#5759 | The Physicists: The History of a Scientific Community in Modern America, With a New Preface by the Author |
#5760 | The End of the Cold War: 1985-1991 |
#5761 | It's a Jungle in There: How Competition and Cooperation in the Brain Shape the Mind |
#5762 | Seven Brief Lessons on Physics |
#5763 | The Shape of the New - Scott L. Montgomery
- Daniel Chirot
#5764 | |
#5765 | Elementary Particle Physics in a Nutshell |
#5766 | Others in Mind: Social Origins of Self-Consciousness |
#5767 | Wired to Create - Scott Barry Kaufman
- Carolyn Gregoire
#5768 | |
#5769 | |
#5770 | La Fin des temps - Haruki Murakami
- Corinne Atlan (Translator)
#5771 | |
#5772 | Darwin Meets Einstein: On the Meaning of Science |
#5773 | A course of differential geometry and topology |
#5774 | Marie Curie prend un amant |
#5775 | Pour une éducation humaniste |
#5776 | |
#5777 | L'Homme qui en savait trop - David Angevin
- Laurent Alexandre
#5778 | Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science |
#5779 | Sets, Logic and Categories |
#5780 | La force des introvertis : De l'avantage d'être sage dans un monde survolté |
#5781 | |
#5782 | An Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos |
#5783 | What Kind of Creatures Are We? |
#5784 | The Ultimate Quotable Einstein |
#5785 | A First Course in Algebraic Topology |
#5786 | This is Improbable Too - Synchronized Cows, Speedy Brain Extractors and More WTF Research |
#5787 | Uncertainty and Information: Foundations of Generalized Information Theory |
#5788 | The Boy Who Could Change the World |
#5789 | Born-Jordan Quantization: Theory and Applications |
#5790 | Searching for the Oldest Stars: Ancient Relics from the Early Universe |
#5791 | Big Data Revolution: What farmers, doctors and insurance agents teach us about discovering big data patterns |
#5792 | Data Quality and its Impacts on Decision-Making: How Managers can benefit from Good Data |
#5793 | |
#5794 | The world of cycling according to G |
#5795 |  Big Data Big Data: Using SMART Big Data, Analytics and Metrics To Make Better Decisions and Improve Performance |
#5796 |  Exposed Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age |
#5797 | The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up |
#5798 | |
#5799 | Fourier Analysis and Hausdorff Dimension |
#5800 | The Secret of Our Success |
#5801 | |
#5802 | Evidence and Evolution: The Logic Behind the Science |
#5803 | Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications |
#5804 | Turing’s Revolution: The Impact of His Ideas about Computability |
#5805 | |
#5806 | |
#5807 | Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data |
#5808 | Ten Billion Tomorrows: How Science Fiction Technology Became Reality and Shapes the Future |
#5809 | |
#5810 | Lonely Planet Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi |
#5811 | |
#5812 | On the Geometry of Some Special Projective Varieties |
#5813 | Rigid Geometry of Curves and Their Jacobians |
#5814 | Meltdown in Tibet: China's Reckless Destruction of Ecosystems from the Highlands of Tibet to the Deltas of Asia |
#5815 | |
#5816 | Linking Game-Theoretical Approaches with Constructive Type Theory: Dialogical Strategies, CTT demonstrations and the Axiom of Choice - Nicolas Clerbout
- Shahid Rahman
#5817 | Darwin's Dice: The Idea of Chance in the Thought of Charles Darwin |
#5818 | The Essential Goethe - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Matt Bell
#5819 | Stochastic Neuron Models - Priscilla Greenwood
- Lawrence M. Ward
#5820 | |
#5821 | |
#5822 | La République des censeurs |
#5823 | Infinity Beckoned: Adventuring Through the Inner Solar System, 1969–1989 |
#5824 | The End of Plenty: The Race to Feed a Crowded World |
#5825 | |
#5826 |  Possible Worlds Possible Worlds: An Introduction to Logic and Its Philosophy - Raymond Bradley
- Norman Swartz
#5827 | Information Geometry and Its Applications |
#5828 | General Galois Geometries - J. W. P. Hirschfeld
- J. A. Thas
#5829 | The Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate: A New Approach to Computational Creativity - Azlan Iqbal
- Matej Guid
- Simon Colton
- Jana Krivec
- Shazril Azman
- Boshra Haghighi
#5830 | Quantum Field Theory: The Why, What and How |
#5831 | Debt: The First 5,000 Years |