The Ocean at the End of the Lane |
A Guide to Eco-Anxiety: How to Protect the Planet and Your Mental Health |
A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet |
The Left Hand of Darkness |
 Fairhaven Fairhaven: A novel of climate optimism |
The Essentials of Theory U: Core Principles and Applications |
The Dao of Complexity: Making Sense and Making Waves in Turbulent Times |
The New Nature of Business: The Path to Prosperity and Sustainability - Andre Hoffmann
- Peter Vanham
Another World Is Possible: How to Reignite Social and Political Imagination |
A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn
- Kathy Emery
- Ellen Gordon Reeves
Empire of the Summer Moon |
100 Diagrams That Changed the World: From the Earliest Cave Paintings to the Innovation of the iPod |
Data Governance - Evren Eryurek
- Uri Gilad
- Valliappa Lakshmanan
- Anita Kibunguchy
- Jessi Ashdown
This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World - Marc Stickdorn
- Markus Hormeß
- Adam Lawrence
- Jakob Schneider
The Complex World: An Introduction to the Foundations of Complexity Science |
Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered |
The Darwinian Trap: The Hidden Evolutionary Forces That Explain Our World |
The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling |
Purrfect Parenting - Don H. Fontenelle
- Beverly Guhl
Taking the Work Out of Networking |
Blueprint for Revolution - Srdja Popovic
- Matthew Miller
10 to 25: The Science of Motivating Young People: A Groundbreaking Approach to Leading the Next Generation―And Making Your Own Life Easier |
Job Moves: 9 Steps for Making Progress in Your Career - Ethan Bernstein
- Michael B. Horn
- Bob Moesta
Why Civil Resistance Works - Erica Chenoweth
- Maria J. Stephan
The Joy of Connections: 100 Ways to Beat Loneliness and Live a Happier and More Meaningful Life |
The Art of Moral Protest: Culture, Biography, and Creativity in Social Movements |
Built to Last - James C. Collins
- Jerry I. Porras
Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building Strategy |
Platformland: an Anatomy Next-Generati |
 Doing democracy Doing democracy : the MAP model for organizing social movements - Bill Moyer
- JoAnn McAllister
- Mary Lou Finley
- Steven Soifer
Over Work: Transforming the Daily Grind in the Quest for a Better Life |
Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World |
Facilitating group learning |
Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI |
The Manual - Epictetus
- Ancient Renewal
- Sam Torode
The Open Society and Its Enemies |
Information Feudalism: Who Owns the Knowledge Economy? |
Sorting Things Out - Geoffrey C. Bowker
- Susan Leigh Star
Virtually Amish: Preserving Community at the Internet's Margins |
The Simpler Way: Collected Writings of Ted Trainer |
Nuclear is Not the Solution |
Our Changing Menu: Climate Change and the Foods We Love and Need - Michael P Hoffmann
- Carrie Koplinka-Loehr
- Danielle L. Eiseman
Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement |
Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life |
How to Lead a Quest: A Guidebook for Pioneering Leaders |
The Game Changer: How to Use the Science of Motivation with the Power of Game Design to Shift Behaviour, Shape Culture and Make Clever Happen |
The Startup Owner's Manual - Steve Blank
- Bob Dorf
- Steven Gary Blank
Agile Data Warehouse Design: Collaborative Dimensional Modeling, from Whiteboard to Star Schema - Lawrence Corr
- Jim Stagnitto
Rapid Data Warehouse Design: User-Focused Techniques for Designing Dimensional Data Warehouses - Lawrence Corr
- Jim Stagnitto
Neither Vertical nor Horizontal: A Theory of Political Organization |
Democracy for Realists: Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government - Christopher H. Achen
- Larry M. Bartels
The Highest Common Denominator: Using Convergent Facilitation to Reach Breakthrough Collaborative Decisions |
The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups |
Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change: The theory and practice of sustaining change through people |
Work Motivation in Organizational Behavior |
Blah Blah Blah: What To Do When Words Don't Work |
A Simple Guide To Sketchnoting: How To Use Visual Thinking in Daily Life to Improve Communication & Problem Solving |
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men |
OD for the Intentional Practitioner - Larry Kokkelenberg
- Regan Miller
 Improv for Democracy Improv for Democracy: How to Bridge Differences and Develop the Communication and Leadership Skills Our World Needs |
Global Action Networks: Creating Our Future Together |
 Societal Learning and Change Societal Learning and Change: How Governments, Business and Civil Society are Creating Solutions to Complex Multi-Stakeholder Problems |
The New Systems Reader - James Gustave Speth
- Kathleen Courrier
Many Voices One Song: Shared Power with Sociocracy - Ted J. Rau
- Jerry Koch-Gonzalez
The Art of Convening: Authentic Engagement in Meetings, Gatherings, and Conversations |
The Little Book of Beyond Budgeting: A New Operating System for Organisations: What it is and Why it Works |
Mastering Technical Sales: The Sales Engineer's Handbook |
Selling the Cloud : A Playbook for Success in Cloud Software and Enterprise Sales - Mark Petruzzi
- Paul Melchiorre