Cannibal Capitalism: How our System is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet—and What We Can Do About It | 3.5 | - |
It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism | 3.68 | - |
The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment | 0 | - |
How to Heal from Heartbreak (or at Least Feel Less Broken): A breakup journal - Carissa Potter
- Vera Kachouh
| 0 | - |
| 4.14 | - |
Marxism and the Oppression of Women: Toward a Unitary Theory | 1.75 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 4.5 | 5 |
| 0 | - |
Capital și ideologie - Thomas Piketty
- Silvia Palade (Translator)
| 0 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 4.5 | - |
Maestrul şi Margareta - Mikhail Bulgakov
- Ion Covaci (Translator)
| 4.33 | - |
Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World | 4 | - |
Moartea vine pe banda de magnetofon | 3.5 | - |
| 3.68 | - |
| 4.06 | - |
| 5 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 3.17 | 5 |
The Divine Comedy - Nicholas Kilmer (Translator)
- Dante Alighieri
| 4.06 | - |
| 5 | - |
The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory | 0 | - |
Diviziunea. Scurt ghid despre inegalitatea globală și soluțiile sale - Jason Hickel
- Ovidiu Țichindeleanu (translator)
| 0 | - |
| 0 | - |
Bîntuiţii - Chuck Palahniuk
- Rareş Moldovan (Translator)
| 4 | - |
| 3.5 | - |
Healing Developmental Trauma - Laurence Heller
- Aline LaPierre
| 3.5 | - |
Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers | 4 | - |
Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto - Cinzia Arruzza
- Tithi Bhattacharya
- Nancy Fraser
| 3.69 | - |
| 3.86 | - |
The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence | 4.18 | - |
| 4.03 | - |
The Trial - Franz Kafka
- Willa Muir (Translator)
- Edwin Muir (Translator)
| 3.96 | - |
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate | 4.1 | - |
| 0 | - |
Men Who Hate Women - From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How It Affects Us All | 4.36 | - |
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism | 3.8 | - |
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time | 3.81 | - |
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion | 4.36 | - |
A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn
- Kathy Emery
- Ellen Gordon Reeves
| 4.23 | - |
How to Blow Up a Pipeline | 3.47 | - |
The Mysterious Affair at Styles | 3.85 | - |
| 3.35 | - |
| 5 | - |
Manufacturing Consent - Edward S. Herman
- Noam Chomsky
| 3.96 | - |
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism | 4.22 | - |
| 4.51 | - |
| 3.31 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 3.93 | - |
| 3.69 | - |
The Men with the Pink Triangle: The True Life-and-Death Story of Homosexuals in the Nazi Death Camps - Heinz Heger
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 5 | - |
| 4 | - |
A Companion to Marx's Capital | 3.75 | - |
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ | 3.73 | - |
| 3.93 | - |
The crime at Black Dudley | 3.22 | - |
Blindness - José Saramago
- Giovanni Pontiero (Translator)
| 3.98 | - |
The Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook: An Integrative Program to Understand and Manage Your BPD | 0 | - |
| 3.15 | - |
The Murder of Mr. Wickham | 3.58 | - |
Three Great Lord Peter Novels | 5 | 5 |
| 3.3 | - |
| 3 | 3 |
| 0 | - |
| 3.42 | - |
Plânsul lui Nietzsche - Irvin D. Yalom
- Luana Schidu (Translator)
| 5 | 5 |
Vegetariana - Han Kang
- Deborah Smith (Translator)
| 3.51 | - |
Viața secretă a cadavrelor - Gabriel Tudor (Translator)
- Mary Roach
| 4.5 | - |
| 5 | - |
| 3.6 | - |
| 4.13 | - |
| 3.47 | - |
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder | 4.17 | - |
Lupul de stepă - Hermann Hesse
- George Guțu (Translator)
| 5 | - |
| 4 | - |
| 3.8 | - |
Ultimele cazuri ale lui Miss Marple | 0 | - |
| 4.18 | - |
| 2.5 | - |
Insecure in Love: How Anxious Attachment Can Make You Feel Jealous, Needy, and Worried and What You Can Do About It | 4 | - |
The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays - Albert Camus
- Justin O'Brien (Translator)
| 4.1 | - |
Infernul - Dante Alighieri
- George Coşbuc (Translator)
| 4 | - |
Nietzsche pentru stresaţi - Allan Percy
- Anca Irina Ionescu (translator)
| 0 | - |
Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
- Alan Russell (Translator)
| 3.6 | - |
| 3.56 | - |
A Short History of Nearly Everything | 4.22 | - |
Disecție - Han Kang
- Iolanda Prodan (Translator)
| 0 | - |
Oameni anxioși - Fredrik Backman
- Andreea Caleman (translator)
| 4.5 | - |
Necunoscuta din congelator | 5 | 5 |
| 3.5 | - |
Demonul amiezii - Andrew Solomon
- Dana Ligia Ilin (Translator)
| 0 | - |
Interviu cu un vampir - Anca Nistor Rădulescu (Translator)
- Anne Rice
| 0 | - |
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking | 3.76 | - |
| 0 | - |
Ghici cine moare primul - M.J. Arlidge
- Lucian Niculescu (Translator)
| 4 | - |
Dublul - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Nicu Gane (Translator)
| 3 | - |
You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself | 3.75 | - |