Little, Big - John Crowley
- Donatella Rizzati (Translator)
The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady |
The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf |
The Fall of the Kings - Ellen Kushner
- Delia Sherman
The Haunted (The Hollow, #2) |
A tale of Two Castles - Gail Carson Levine
- Greg Call
Ahab's Wife, or The Star-Gazer |
The twelve dancing princesses |
Young Warriors: Stories of Strength |
Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie |
The Neverending Story - Michael Ende
- Ralph Manheim (Translator)
The Sleeper and the Spindle |
Seven Daughters and Seven Sons - Barbara Cohen
- Bahija Fattuhi Lovejoy
The Hidden (The Hollow, #3) |