#601 | 4 | |
#602 | 0 | |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
#606 | 0 | |
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| 5 |
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| 4.5 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 5 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
#633 | 4.49 | |
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| 0 |
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| 4 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 3 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 0 |
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| 5 |
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| 4.5 |
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#700 | 4.18 |