Ours: A Russian Family Album - Sergei Dovlatov
- Anne Frydman (Translator)
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To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism | - |
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As grandes correntes da filosofia | 3 |
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The Archaeology of Knowledge | - |
How to Think Like an Anthropologist | - |
A nossa necessidade de consolo é impossível de satisfazer | - |
Empathic Vision: Affect, Trauma, and Contemporary Art | 3 |
The Dialectics of Shopping | 4 |
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De Moscovo a Petuchki : a lucidez de um alcoólico genial - Venedikt Erofeev
- José Milhazes (Translator)
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Silêncio - O Poder dos Introvertidos num Mundo que Não Para de Falar | - |
Granta Portugal 10: Revoluções - Mouna Abouissa
- Golgona Anghel
- Mário de Carvalho
- Isabela Figueiredo
- Jen George
- Susana Moreira Marques
- Rui Cardoso Martins
- Pola Oloixarac
- Andrei Platonov
- João Tordo
- Alfredo Cunha
- Milan Kundera
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Metodologia do Trabalho Científico: Métodos e Técnicas da Pesquisa e do Trabalho Académico - Cleber Cristiano Prodanov
- Ernani César de Freitas
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O Estranho Caso do Dr. Jekyll e do Sr. Hyde | 2 |
Prosthetic Culture: Photography, Memory, and Identity | 4 |
The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli
- Rufus Goodwin (Translator)
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Imagens do Mundo - Mostra de Cinema Etnográfico Francês - João Leal
- Clara Carvalho
- Maria Beatriz Rocha-Trindade
- José Ribeiro
- Marie-Hélène Mitjaville
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Into the Woods: A Five Act Journey Into Story | - |
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art | - |
The Fixer: A Story from Sarajevo | - |
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Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It | - |
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A Vida Quotidiana na Rússia no Tempo do Último Czar - Henri Troyat
- Maria da Graça Lameiras Fernandes (Translator)
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Granta Portugal 5: Falhar Melhor - Bruno Vieira Amaral
- Rui Ângelo Araújo
- Joana Bértholo
- Claudia Clemente
- Jonathan Franzen
- Paulo Varela Gomes
- Howard Jacobson
- Pedro Mexia
- Herta Müller
- Jacinto Lucas Pires
- Gore Vidal
- Simon Schama
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Granta Portugal 7: Palco - Abel Barros Baptista
- Harold Pinter
- Jacinto Lucas Pires
- Patrícia Portela
- Tiago Rodrigues
- Teresa Veiga
- Julian Barnes
- Mathias Énard
- Luísa Costa Gomes
- Alan Hollinghurst
- Pico Iyer
- Filipa Melo
- Vítor Nogueira
- Joseph O'Neill
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Granta Portugal 9: Comer e Beber - Tatiana Salem Levy
- Alexandra Prado Coelho
- Richard Zimler
- Ana Margarida de Carvalho
- Giles Foden
- Mieko Kawakami
- Luís Afonso
- Filipe Melo
- Juan Cavia
- Ricardo J. Rodrigues
- Sousa Jamba
- David Mitchell
- Graham Swift
- Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida
- José Tolentino Mendonça
- Adília Lopes
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Os Escritores (Também) Têm Coisas a Dizer | - |
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The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye - David Lagercrantz
- George Goulding (Translator)
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The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus
- Justin O'Brien (Translator)
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The Society of the Spectacle - Guy Debord
- Fredy Perlman (Translator)
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Testemunhas do Silêncio - Déjà Dead | 3 |
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry | - |
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The Girl in the Spider's Web - David Lagercrantz
- George Goulding (Translator)
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O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima - José Mauro de Vasconcelos
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Postcards from the Cinema | - |
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All the Light We Cannot See | - |
Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies | - |
Os conflitos étnicos e interculturais | 3 |
The Sublime Object of Ideology | - |
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Thinking in Circles: An Essay on Ring Composition | 2 |
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Cutting Rhythms: Intuitive Film Editing | - |
O Erro de Descartes: Emoção, Razão e Cérebro Humano - António R. Damásio
- Dora Vicente (Translator)
- Georgina Segurado (Translator)
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In the Blink of an Eye: A Perspective on Film Editing | - |
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Tchuba na Desert - Germano Almeida
- Manuel Figueira
- José Vicente Lopes
- Leão Lopes
- Vasco Martins
- Le Vlad Nobre
- Marilene Ferreira
- Luísa Queiroz
- Ivone Ramos
- Mário Lúcio Sousa
- Carlos Araújo
- Joaquim Arena
- Kaká Barboza
- Fátima Bettencourt
- João Branco
- Vera Duarte
- Ondina Ferreira
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The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - Erving Goffman
- Sven Bergström
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Antropologia do Cinema : do Mito à Indústria Cultural | - |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | 3 |
Kino-Eye - Dziga Vertov
- Kevin O'Brien (Translator)
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Multitude, Solitude: The Photographs of Dave Heath | - |
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Espelho Partido - Tradição e Transformação do Documentário | - |