#2 | |
#3 | |
#4 | |
#5 | |
#6 | |
#7 | |
#8 | I, Claudius - Robert Graves
- Stephen Alcorn
#9 | |
#10 | |
#11 | |
#12 | The Ruin of the Roman Empire: A New History |
#13 | |
#14 | |
#15 | |
#16 | ![Cover 6](https://assets.hardcover.app/static/covers/cover7.png) Caesars' Wives Caesars' Wives: Sex, Power, and Politics in the Roman Empire |
#17 | |
#18 | Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic |
#19 | |
#20 | |
#21 | |
#22 | |
#23 | |
#24 | |
#25 | |
#26 | |
#27 | |
#28 | Emperor: The Field of Swords |
#31 | A Scandalous History of the Roman Emperors |
#32 | A Short History of Byzantium |
#33 | ![Cover 0](https://assets.hardcover.app/static/covers/cover1.png) Caligula Caligula: A Biography - Aloys Winterling
- Deborah Lucas Schneider (Translator)
- Glenn W. Most (Translator)
- Paul Psoinos (Translator)
#34 | The Birth of Classical Europe: A History from Troy to Augustine - Simon Price
- Peter Thonemann
#35 | A History of Private Life: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium - Arthur Goldhammer (Translator)
- Yvon Thébert
- Michel Rouche
- Évelyne Patlagean
- Peter Brown
#36 | Barbarians to Angels: The Dark Ages Reconsidered |
#37 | The Secret Language of Churches & Cathedrals: Decoding the Sacred Symbolism of Christianity's Holy Buildings |
#38 | |
#39 | |
#40 | Absolute Monarchs: A History of the Papacy |
#41 | |
#42 | |
#43 | Women in the Ancient World |
#44 | Great Christian Thinkers: From the Early Church through the Middle Ages |
#45 | Oh My Gods: A Modern Retelling of Greek and Roman Myths |
#46 | The Abacus and the Cross: The Story of the Pope Who Brought the Light of Science to the Dark Ages |
#47 | L'amante di Roma - Kate Quinn
- Claudia Criscuolo (Translator)
#48 | Empress of the Seven Hills |
#49 | |
#50 | The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome |
#51 | |
#52 | |
#53 | |
#54 | |
#55 | |
#56 | |
#57 | |
#58 | |
#59 | |
#60 | A Gladiator Dies Only Once |
#61 | Three Hands In The Fountain |
#62 | |
#63 | Your Travel Guide to Ancient Rome |
#64 | |
#65 | |
#66 | |
#67 | The Ides of April (Flavia Albia Mystery, #1) |
#68 | And Man Created God: A History of the World at the Time of Jesus |
#69 | The serpent and the pearl |
#70 | |
#71 | The Prince of Medicine: Galen in the Roman Empire |
#72 | Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth |
#73 | |
#74 | |
#75 | |
#76 | |
#77 | |
#78 | |
#79 | |
#80 | |
#81 | |
#82 | |
#83 | The Sons of Caesar: Imperial Rome's First Dynasty |
#84 | |
#85 | |
#86 | Pagans: The End of Traditional Religion and the Rise of Christianity |
#87 | |
#88 | |
#89 | |
#90 | |
#91 | |
#92 | |
#93 | SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome |
#94 | |
#95 | |
#96 | |
#97 | |
#98 | |
#99 | The Edge of the Empire: A Journey to Britannia: From the Heart of Rome to Hadrian's Wall |
#100 | |
#101 | |
#102 | The graveyard of the Hesperides |
#103 | |