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Put That Stuff Down
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Eaters of the Dead
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The Narcissist Next Door
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If These Stones Could Talk
Hail, Holy Queen
The Sanctifier
A Still Small Voice
A People Called Episcopalians
Popular Piety and Art in the Late Middle Ages
Four Witnesses
The Diary of a Country Priest
Ghosts, Hauntings and Possesions
The Journey of the Magi
Psychic Photography and Thoughtography
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Demonic Possession
Face of Madness
America's Haunted Houses
The Handbook of Parapsychology
The Habsburg Curse
Simon Winchester's Calcutta
Beyond Belief
Henry Thoreau
The Rise of Modern Mythology, 1680-1860
Three Roads Back
The Sickly Stuarts
The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot
The Apocryphal Gospels
Didymus the Blind & the Text of the Gospels
After the New Testament
The Other Gospels
A Luminous Republic
Can We Trust the Bible on the Historical Jesus?
The Gospel of Judas Together with the Letter of Peter to Phillip, James, and a Book of Allogenes from Codex Tchacos
Christianity in Late Antiquity, 300-450 CE
Do Not Look Back, My Lion
The Long Way Up
Malleus Maleficarum- Montague Summers Translation
The Ransom of Miss Coraline Connelly
A Witch's Guide to Escape