Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics - Hugh D. Young
- Roger A. Freedman
| 0 | ? pages? duration |
Linear Algebra and Its Applications | 0 | 544 pages? duration |
Mathematical methods of classical mechanics - Vladimir I. Arnold
- K. Vogtmann (Translator)
- A. Weinstein (Translator)
| 0 | 520 pages? duration |
Python essential reference | 3 | 717 pages? duration |
| 3 | 464 pages? duration |
The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom | 4 | 323 pages? duration |
A Treatise of Human Nature | 3.63 | 632 pages? duration |
The Works of Archimedes - Archimedes
- Sir Thomas Little Heath
| 0 | 562 pages? duration |
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. 1 | 0 | 550 pages? duration |
| 3.36 | 300 pages? duration |
The Meaning of Hitler - Sebastian Haffner
- Ewald Osers (Translator)
| 0 | 178 pages? duration |
Principia Mathematica - Volume One - Alfred North Whitehead
- Bertrand Russell
| 3 | 684 pages? duration |
Concerning the City of God Against the Pagans - Augustine of Hippo
- Henry Bettenson (Translator)
| 3.63 | 1,186 pages? duration |
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach - Stuart Russell
- Peter Norvig
| 3.89 | 1,153 pages? duration |
Oliver Heaviside Oliver Heaviside: The Life, Work, and Times of an Electrical Genius of the Victorian Age | 0 | ? pages? duration |
| 5 | 296 pages? duration |
| 4.22 | 264 pages? duration |
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes | 4.11 | 336 pages? duration |
Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science | 5 | 176 pages? duration |
Confessions - Augustine of Hippo
- Edward Bouverie Pusey (Translator)
| 3.75 | 455 pages? duration |
| 3 | ? pages? duration |
Galileo - Bertolt Brecht
- Eric Bentley
- Charles Laughton (Translator)
| 3.5 | 155 pages? duration |
A course of pure mathematics | 0 | 522 pages? duration |
| 4.1 | 384 pages? duration |
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World - Haruki Murakami
- Alfred Birnbaum (Translator)
| 3.86 | 416 pages? duration |
| 4 | 430 pages? duration |
| 3.31 | 428 pages? duration |
| 0 | 286 pages? duration |
The Man in the High Castle | 3.45 | 239 pages? duration |
| 4.33 | 184 pages? duration |
Tips on Physics Tips on Physics: A Problem-solving Supplement to the Feynman Lectures on Physics - Richard P. Feynman
- Michael A. Gottlieb
- Ralph Leighton
- Robert B. Leighton
- Matthew Sands
- Rochus Vogt
| 0 | 162 pages? duration |
Classical Mechanics - Herbert Goldstein
- Charles P. Poole Jr.
- John L. Safko
| 4 | 664 pages? duration |
The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe | 5 | 228 pages? duration |
Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick
- Kevin Wayne
| 4.5 | 955 pages? duration |
Galactic Dynamics - James Binney
- Scott Tremaine
| 0 | ? pages? duration |
Introduction to electrodynamics | 3.8 | 576 pages? duration |
| 3.93 | 569 pages? duration |
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | 4 | 391 pages? duration |
| 0 | ? pages? duration |
Introduction to Elementary Particles | 0 | 454 pages? duration |
The Black Dahlia - James Ellroy
| 3.81 | 464 pages? duration |
| 4.33 | 320 pages? duration |
Collected Poems, 1909-1962 | 4 | 240 pages? duration |
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications | 4.5 | 1,120 pages? duration |
Introduction to Algorithms - Thomas H. Cormen
- Charles E. Leiserson
- Ronald L. Rivest
- Clifford Stein
| 3.93 | 1,180 pages? duration |
The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays - Albert Camus
- Justin O'Brien (Translator)
| 4.09 | 162 pages? duration |
An introduction to the theory of numbers | 0 | 456 pages? duration |
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective - Randal E. Bryant
- David Richard O'Hallaron
| 4 | 1,120 pages? duration |
The Algorithm Design Manual | 4.13 | 486 pages? duration |
A Treatise on Differential Equations | 0 | 256 pages? duration |
Letters to a Young Mathematician | 3.67 | 224 pages? duration |
The Principles of Mathematics | 3 | 576 pages? duration |
The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell | 4 | 752 pages? duration |
Opticks, Or, A Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections & Colours of Light | 0 | 546 pages? duration |
| 0 | ? pages? duration |
The Principia - Isaac Newton
- I. Bernard Cohen (Translator)
- Anne Whitman (Translator)
| 4 | 991 pages? duration |
A Mathematician's Apology | 0 | 161 pages? duration |
| 0 | 203 pages? duration |
The Princeton companion to mathematics | 0 | 1,056 pages? duration |
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship | 4.05 | 464 pages? duration |
The Architecture of Open Source Applications | 0 | 432 pages? duration |
| 0 | ? pages? duration |
| 3.73 | 204 pages? duration |
Five Equations That Changed the World | 4 | 288 pages? duration |
Feynman's Lost Lecture: The Motion of Planets Around the Sun - David Goodstein
- Judith R. Goodstein
- Richard P. Feynman
| 4.5 | ? pages? duration |
| 3 | 1,099 pages? duration |
| 3.95 | 531 pages? duration |
What Do You Care What Other People Think? | 3.88 | 255 pages? duration |
A First Course in Calculus | 0 | 752 pages? duration |
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction - Trevor Hastie
- Robert Tibshirani
- Jerome Friedman
| 4 | 768 pages? duration |
| 4.09 | 324 pages? duration |
| 3.9 | 627 pages? duration |
| 4.29 | 704 pages? duration |
Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture | 3.57 | 211 pages? duration |
Blood Wedding and Yerma - W.S. Merwin (Translator)
- Federico García Lorca
| 2.5 | 160 pages? duration |
| 4.07 | 304 pages? duration |
Deep Learning - Ian Goodfellow
- Yoshua Bengio
- Aaron Courville
| 4.8 | 800 pages? duration |
Neural Networks and Deep Learning | 5 | 224 pages? duration |
| 4 | 274 pages? duration |
| 4.47 | 896 pages? duration |
Tusculan Disputations - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Недялка Георгиева (Translator)
| 0 | 628 pages? duration |
| 3.38 | 401 pages? duration |
| 3.99 | 350 pages? duration |
Probability and Statistics for Computer Scientists | 0 | ? pages? duration |
Concrete Mathematics - Ronald L. Graham
- Donald Ervin Knuth
- Oren Patashnik
| 4 | 657 pages? duration |
Euclid's Elements - Euclid
- Dana Densmore
- Thomas Little Heath (Translator)
| 4.5 | 499 pages? duration |
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers | 4.15 | 320 pages? duration |
Far From the Madding Crowd | 3.86 | 433 pages? duration |
SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome | 3.98 | ? pages? duration |
| 0 | ? pages? duration |
A Man Called Ove - Fredrik Backman
- Henning Koch (Translator)
| 4.36 | 352 pages? duration |
| 2 | 272 pages? duration |
| 3.6 | ? pages? duration |
| 4 | 208 pages? duration |
| 0 | ? pages? duration |
The Little Schemer - Daniel P. Friedman
- Matthias Felleisen
| 4.33 | 210 pages? duration |
| 3.68 | 512 pages? duration |
| 4.5 | 601 pages? duration |
The C Programming Language - Brian W. Kernighan
- Dennis M. Ritchie
| 4.42 | 228 pages? duration |
The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco
- William Weaver (Translator)
| 4 | 556 pages? duration |