#249 | |
#250 | |
#251 | |
#253 | |
#254 | |
#255 | |
#256 | The F***ing Epic Twitter Quest of @MayorEmanuel |
#257 | |
#258 | |
#259 | |
#260 | Doctor Who: Spiral Scratch |
#261 | |
#262 | Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit (Jeeves, #11) |
#263 | Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal |
#264 | |
#265 | |
#266 | Ella Enchanted (Ella Enchanted #1) |
#267 | Thank You for Smoking: A Novel |
#268 | |
#269 | Something Wicked This Way Comes |
#270 | Opération Opale - Eoin Colfer
- Jean-François Ménard (Translator)
#271 | |
#272 | |
#273 | |
#274 | |
#275 | |
#276 | |
#277 | |
#278 | |
#279 | |
#280 | |
#281 | |
#282 | The Way Through the Woods |
#283 | |
#284 | |
#285 | The Middleman - Volume 1: The Secret Recruitment Ultimatum |
#286 | Mrityunjaya, The Death Conqueror - Shivaji Sawant
- Purushottama Lal (Translator)
#287 | |
#288 | |
#289 | |
#290 | |
#291 | |
#292 | |
#293 | |
#294 | |
#295 | Far Horizons: Volume One of the Travelers' Tales |
#296 | |
#297 | |
#298 | |
#299 | |
#300 | Helen and Troy's Epic Road Quest |
#301 | |
#302 | |
#303 | Axe Cop, Vol. 2: Bad Guy Earth - Malachai Nicolle
- Ethan Nicolle
#304 | |
#305 | |
#306 | |
#307 | Twilight / Life and Death |
#308 | |
#309 | |
#310 | |
#311 | |
#312 | |
#313 | Kim Kardashian: Trapped In Her Own Game |
#314 | |
#315 | |
#316 | The Empire Strikes Back - Donald F. Glut
- George Lucas
#317 | |
#318 | |
#319 | Star Wars: Before the Awakening |
#320 | |
#321 | |
#322 | |
#323 | |
#324 | |
#325 | The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure |
#326 | |
#327 | |
#328 | The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse |
#329 | Batman: Under the Red Hood - Judd Winick
- Jim Starlin
- Jeph Loeb
#330 | Batman: Red Hood - the Lost Days |
#331 | Red Hood and the Outlaws, Volume 1: Redemption |
#332 | Red Hood and the Outlaws, Volume 3: Death of the Family |
#333 | Red Hood and the Outlaws, Volume 2: The Starfire |
#334 | Batman & Robin - Grant Morrison
- Jonathan Glapion
#335 | Batman: Battle for the Cowl |
#336 | Batman & Robin, Vol. 2: Batman vs. Robin |
#337 | Batman and Robin, Volume 1: Born to Kill |
#338 | |
#339 | |
#340 | |
#341 | Batman : Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Fabian Nicieza
- Bryan Q. Miller
- Mike W. Barr
- Adam Beechen
- Derek Fridolfs
- Marc Andreyko
#342 | Batman Incorporated, Vol. 1 |
#343 | |
#344 | |
#345 | Red Hood and the Outlaws (the New 52) |
#346 | Batman - Jim Starlin
- Marv Wolfman
- George Pérez
#347 | |
#348 | |
#349 | Batman, Volume 1: The Court of Owls |