Мир наизнанку - Marina Dyachenko
- Sergey Dyachenko
All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
- Arthur Wesley Wheen (Translator)
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell |
A Fine and Pleasant Misery |
The Shadow of the Torturer |
The Strike at Shayol Ghul |
Wearing the Cape: A Superhero Story |
The Ten Thousand Doors of January |
The Princess and the Goblin |
Дива - Алексеев Сергей Трофимович
Плутония - Vladimir Obruchev
- Владимир Обручев
Выстрел с монитора - Vladislav Krapivin
- Владислав Крапивин
Dezertyras - Andrey Valentinov
- Андрей Валентинов
- Gintautas K. Ivanickas (Translator)
Тёмный охотник - Alexey Pehov
- Алексей Пехов
Варан - Marina Dyachenko
- Sergey Dyachenko
Shadow Prowler - Alexey Pehov
- Алексей Пехов
- Andrew Bloomfield (Translator)
Искатели ветра - Alexey Pehov
- Алексей Пехов
Серый Коршун - Andrey Valentinov
- Андрей Валентинов
Посмотри в глаза чудовищ - Андрей Лазарчук
- Михаил Успенский
Ведьмин век - Marina Dyachenko
- Sergey Dyachenko
Kallocain - Karin Boye
- Gustaf Lannestock (Translator)
Moscow to the End of the Line |
A School for Fools - Sasha Sokolov
- Carl R. Proffer (Translator)
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer |
Illuminae - Amie Kaufman
- Jay Kristoff
- Richard Podaný (Translator)
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness |
A Country Doctor's Notebook - Mikhail Bulgakov
- Михаил Булгаков
The Wind's Twelve Quarters |
The Darkness That Comes Before |
Day of the Oprichnik - Vladimir Sorokin
- Jamey Gambrell (Translator)
The terminal list - Carr, Jack (Joint pseudonym)
Un Palais d'Épines et de Roses |
The World That Couldn't Be |
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami
- Philip Gabriel (Translator)
Relic - Douglas Preston
- Lincoln Child
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue |
The House in the Cerulean Sea |