Navegações - Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
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O Livro do Desassossego - Fernando Pessoa
- Margaret Jull Costa (Translator)
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Makers of Worlds, Readers of Signs (LBE): Israeli and Palestinian Literature of the Global Contemporary | - |
The Age of the Poets: And Other Writings on Twentieth-Century Poetry and Prose - Alain Badiou
- Emily Apter (Translator)
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Raymond Chandler: The Detections of Totality | - |
Taking a Long Look: Essays on Culture, Literature and Feminism in Our Time | - |
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Mimesis: The Analytic Anthropology of Literature - Валерий Подорога
- Valery Podoroga
- Evgeni V. Pavlov
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Figures of Catastrophe: The Condition of Culture Novel | - |
Poets of the Chinese Revolution - Chen Duxiu
- Chen Yi
- Zheng Chaolin
- Mao Zedong
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Two Girls: And Other Essays | - |
The two Lolitas - Michael Maar
- Perry Anderson (Translator)
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El estilo literario de Marx | - |
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The Black Romantic Revolution: Abolitionist Poets at the End of Slavery | - |
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In Praise of Disobedience: The Soul of Man Under Socialism and Other Writings | - |
A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century | - |
A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas | 5 |
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The Aeneid - Virgil
- Robert Fitzgerald (Translator)
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Metamorphoses - Ovid
- Horace Gregory (Translator)
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Aesop's Fables - Aesop
- Laura Gibbs (Translator)
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One Thousand and One Nights | - |
The Golden Ass - Apuleius
- Claudio Annaratone (translator)
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The Secret History of the Mongols | - |
The Travels - Marco Polo
- William Marsden (Translator)
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The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon | - |
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The Seven Golden Odes of Arabia: The Mu'allaqat | - |
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Records of the Grand Historian: Qin Dynasty - Burton Watson (Translator)
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Opus Majus of Roger Bacon 1928 | - |
The Complete Works of Liudprand of Cremona | - |
Anabasis Alexandri Book VIII: Indica | - |
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The History of the Kings of Britain | - |
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How to Make the Best Coffee at Home | 5 |
Health Communism - Beatrice Adler-Bolton
- Artie Vierkant
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The Tomb of Oedipus: Why Greek Tragedies Were not Tragic | - |
Hegemony Now: How Big Tech and Wall Street Won the World - Alex Williams
- Jeremy Gilbert
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A Very British Conspiracy: The Shrewsbury 24 and the Campaign for Justice | - |
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth - Leo Tolstoy
- C.J. Hogarth (Translator)
- Nigel J. Cooper (Translator)
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O Partido e o Estado no Salazarismo | - |
Sindicatos Contra Salazar: A Revolta de 18 de Janeiro de 1934 | - |
Ricos e Pobres no Alentejo | - |
Artesãos e operários : indústria, capitalismo e classe operária em Portugal | - |
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The Sounds of Silence: Nineteenth-Century Portugal and the Abolition of the Slave Trade | - |
Os brasileiros : emigração e retorno no Porto oitocentista | - |
O Atraso Económico Português | - |
Igreja e Sociedade Portuguesa : do Liberalismo à República | - |
Um homem singular : biografia política de Rodrigo da Fonseca Magalhães - Maria de Fátima Bonifácio
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O crepúsculo dos grandes : a casa e o património da aristocracia em Portugal | - |
A Pintura Maneirista em Portugal | - |
Damião de Góis : humaniste européen - Marcel Bataillon
- J.C. Margolin
- Jorge Borges de Macedo
- Jean Aubin
- Isaías Rosa Pereira
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Inquisição E Cristãos Novos | - |
A expansão portuguesa : um prisma de muitas faces - Luís Filipe F.R. Thomaz
- João Carlos Barradas (Translator)
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Anatomia de uma revolução : a reforma agrária em Portugal | - |
A Evolução do Sistema Corporativo Português: o Marcelismo | - |
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Continental Philosophy: An Introduction | 4 |
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity | - |
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Os descobrimentos e a formação do oceano Atlântico | - |
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A concepção nobiliárquica do espaço ibérico | - |
La follia di Hölderlin. Cronaca di una follia abitante | - |
It Came from Something Awful | - |
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The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil
- Sophie Wilkins (Translator)
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What Is Democracy? - Alain Touraine
- David Macey
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O Poder - Uma Nova Análise Social | - |
O Anti-Édipo: capitalismo e esquizofrenia 1 - Gilles Deleuze
- Félix Guattari
- Luiz B.L. Orlandi (Translator)
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A Ordem do Discurso. Aula inaugural no Collège de France, pronunciada em 2 de dezembro de 1970 | - |
A Origem da Tragédia - Friedrich Nietzsche
- Álvaro Ribeiro (Translator)
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A República - Plato
- Ingrid Neves (Translator)
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O Justo ou A Essência da Justiça | - |
O que é a filosofia? - Gilles Deleuze
- Félix Guattari
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