The Ghostly Tales of Savannah
- The Ghostly Tales of Long Island
- Haunted Ohio
Haunted Ohio: Ghostly Tales from the Buckeye State
- - The Ghostly Tales of Cleveland
- The Ghostly Tales of Granbury
- The Ghostly Tales of Milwaukee
4 The Ghostly Tales of Connecticut
- The Ghostly Tales of Flint
- Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver: The History and Legends of the Real Santa Claus
4 Liberty
Liberty: Don Troiani's Paintings of the Revolutionary War
The Museum of the American Revolution 4 Sharks
Sharks: The Ocean's Mightiest Predator
5 The Ghostly Tales of Snohomish
4 5 5 Time to Shine: Celebrating the World's Iridescent Animals
5 Martin and the River
Jon-Erik Lappano Josée Bisaillon 5 Strange Tales from Japan: 99 Chilling Stories of Yokai, Ghosts, Demons and the Supernatural
4 Trapped in Terror Bay: Solving the Mystery of the Lost Franklin Expedition
4 - - - Maya History for Kids
Maya History for Kids: A Captivating Guide to the Maya Civilization, from the Olmecs through the Founding of Teotihuacan in Ancient Mesoamerica to the Spanish Conquest
5 Ancient Rome for Kids
Ancient Rome for Kids: A Captivating Guide to Roman History, from the Rise of the Republic through the Roman Empire to Byzantium
5 Ancient Japan for Kids
Ancient Japan for Kids: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Japanese History from Prehistory to the Heian Period
5 Beatrice Bloom and the Star Crystal
- Martha Bloom and the Glass Compass
- Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key
5 2 The Maya: Lost Civilizations
- The Inca: Lost Civilizations
- - - Astrology Embroidery: Stitch the Zodiac and 30 Celestial Patterns
4 100 Cross Stitch Patterns to Mix-and-Match
4 100+ Cross Stitch Patterns to Mix and Match: Motifs and Borders, Plus 21 Alphabets
4 To Rescue the Republic
Bret Baier Catherine Whitney - 5 Ghost Sightings: Accounts of Paranormal Activity from Around the World
5 5 - Anglerfish: The Seadevil of the Deep
4 4 4 - Raiders of the Hidden Ark: The Story of the Parker Expedition to Jerusalem
4 4 The Secret Life of the Sea Otter
4 5 Last Laughs: Funny Tombstone Quotes and Famous Last Words
- 4 The Lost Book of Eleanor Dare
4 R.I.P.: Here Lie the Last Words, Morbid Musings, Epitaphs & Fond Farewells of the Famous and Not-So-Famous
- - - The Cold Vanish: Seeking the Missing in North America's Wilderness
4 The Man from the Train: The Solving of a Century-Old Serial Killer Mystery
Bill James Rachel McCarthy James - Ronaldo: Vixen's Flying Workshop
- Ronaldo: The Reindeer Flying Academy
- Ronaldo: Rudi's Birthday Extravaganza
- Killer Dads
Killer Dads: 16 Shocking True Crime Stories of Fathers That Killed
- Ancient China for Kids
Ancient China for Kids: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Chinese History, from the Shang Dynasty to the Fall of the Han Dynasty
4 The Wheels of Justice: The True Story Of A 27-Year Battle To Convict My Sister's Killer
- Ancient Egypt for Kids
Ancient Egypt for Kids: A Captivating Guide to Egyptian History, from the Early Dynastic Period through the Early, Middle, and Late Kingdom to the Death of Cleopatra
4 - A Murder in Searcy
Mike S. Allen Deana Hamby Nall - 16 Minutes: Was The Death Of Baby Matthew An Accident Or Arson?
4 3 4 Usurpers: A New Look at Medieval Kings
4 Love Lies: A True Story of Marriage and Murder in the Suburbs
- Buried Beneath the Boarding House: A Shocking True Story of Deception, Exploitation and Murder
- 5 In the Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette
- 4 - The Swamp Fox: How Francis Marion Saved the American Revolution
- - The Richest Man in Babylon
- Into the Abyss: How a Deadly Plane Crash Changed the Lives of a Pilot, a Politician, a Criminal and a Cop
- - - 4 - - - - The Squirrel Squire and the Tournament of Oaks
- - Archibald Finch and the Lost Witches
- - The Last Fighter Pilot: The True Story of the Final Combat Mission of World War II
4 4 Spooky Trails and Tall Tales Massachusetts: Hiking the State's Legends, Hauntings, and History
4 4 The Escape Artists: A Band of Daredevil Pilots and the Greatest Prison Break of the Great War
4 4 30,000 Stitches: The Inspiring Story of the National 9/11 Flag
4 2 The Lively Ghosts of Ireland