The Politics of Friendship - Jacques Derrida
- George Collins (Translator)
The Bhagavad Gita - Juan Mascaró (Translator)
- Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa
Sun and Steel - Yukio Mishima
- John Bester (Translator)
Too Loud a Solitude - Bohumil Hrabal
- Michael Henry Heim (Translator)
Boredom - Alberto Moravia
- Angus Davidson (Translator)
Extinction - Thomas Bernhard
- David McLintock (Translator)
A Year With Swollen Appendices |
The Exform - Nicolas Bourriaud
- Erik Butler (Translator)
Prolegomena to a Theory of Language |
Nostalgia for the Absolute |
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man |
Correction - Thomas Bernhard
- Sophie Wilkins (Translator)
Intensive Science & Virtual Philosophy |
Capital of Pain - Paul Éluard
- Mary Ann Caws (Translator)
- Patricia Terry (Translator)
Principles of Non-Philosophy |
Japanese gothic tales - Kyōka Izumi
- Charles Shiro Inouye (Translator)
The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil
- Sophie Wilkins (Translator)
Música para camaleones - Truman Capote
- Benito Gómez Ibáñez (Translator)
In the Dust of This Planet |
Homo Sacer - Giorgio Agamben
- Daniel Heller-Roazen (Translator)
Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority |
Truth and method - Hans-Georg Gadamer
- Joel Weinsheimer (Translator)
- Donald G. Marshall (Translator)
El pájaro demoníaco y otros relatos fantásticos |
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
- Giulia Arborio Mella (Translator)
The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics |
Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind |
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
- Katherine Tiernan O'Connor (Translator)
- Diana Lewis Burgin (Translator)
The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
- John Rutherford (Translator)
Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation |
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society - Jürgen Habermas
- Thomas Burger (Translator)
The Tin Drum - Günter Grass
- Breon Mitchell (Translator)
Illuminations: Essays and Reflections - Walter Benjamin
- Harry Zohn (Translator)
The Arcades Project - Walter Benjamin
- Kevin McLaughlin (Translator)
- Howard Eiland (Translator)
Difference and Repetition - Gilles Deleuze
- Paul Patton (Translator)
The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy - Rudolf Carnap
- Rolf A. George (Translator)
My Year of Rest and Relaxation |
Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics |
Historia de la vida del Buscón |
First as tragedy, then as farce |
Dialectic of enlightenment - Theodor W. Adorno
- Max Horkheimer
At the Mountains of Madness |
The Political Unconscious |
On the Suffering of the World |
Phenomenology of Perception |
Blood and Guts in High School |
Story of O - Pauline Réage
- Sabine d'Estree (Translator)
Long Day's Journey into Night |
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life - Richard J. Herrnstein
- Charles Murray
The Street of Crocodiles - Bruno Schulz
- Celina Wieniewska (Translator)
- Mikolaj Dutsch
- Hana Jechova (Translator)
- Anna Vivanti Salmon (Translator)