- How to Behave So Your Children Will, Too!
- - On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind
Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis - The Universe Versus Alex Woods
- - My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind
- 100/XX. Antologia polskiego reportażu XX wieku
- Beksińscy. Portret podwójny
5 All the President's Men
Carl Bernstein Bob Woodward - 2 Spowiedź heretyka. Sacrum Profanum
Adam Nergal Darski Piotr Weltrowski Krzysztof Azarewicz 2 Thin Side Out: How to Have Your Cake and Your Skinny Jeans Too: Stop Binge Eating, Overeating and Dieting For Good Get the Naturally Thin Body You Crave From the Inside Out
- Trade-Off: Why Some Things Catch On, and Others Don't
- Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Thomas Piketty Arthur Goldhammer (Translator) 3 Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think
- Les derniers secrets du Vatican
3 4 Steenhouwer
Camilla Läckberg Lena Grumbach (Translator) Catherine Marcus (Translator) 5 Nudge
Richard H. Thaler Cass R. Sunstein 3 - The Ice Princess
Camilla Läckberg Steven T. Murray (Translator) 5 On Intelligence
Jeff Hawkins Sandra Blakeslee - - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
3 How to Win Friends and Influence People
- - - 4 How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character
3 Inferno
Dan Brown Jana Linnart (Translator) 2 5 Mastering Apple Aperture 3.x
5 5 3 The Rough Guide to Nirvana 1
Gillian G. Gaar Rough Guides 4 Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth
5 3 High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, and Replication
Baron Schwartz Peter Zaitsev Vadim Tkachenko 3 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism
2 Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients
3 The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way
3 Norwegia. Przewodnik nieturystyczny
Alexander Aarvik Kamil Antosiewicz Thomas Hylland Eriksen Ali Esbati Hanna Gill-Piątek Johan Harstad Roy Jacobsen Nina Lykke Christer Mjåset Simen Særte Dag Solstad Michał Syska Nina Witoszek Dorota Polska (Translator) 3 4 4 Trójka z dżemem. Palce lizać! Biografia pewnego radia
4 3 ElasticSearch Server
Rafał Kuć Marek Rogoziński 3 Understanding Computation
- 3 Running and Fatburning for Women
Jeff Galloway Barbara Galloway 2 Before the Frost
Henning Mankell Ebba Segerberg (Translator) 5 Platform
Michel Houellebecq Frank Wynne 4 3 4 Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World
2 5 Prawda
Piotr W. Cholewa (Translator) Terry Pratchett 4 5 4 4 5 5 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
5 Władysław Bartoszewski.Wywiad rzeka
Michał Komar Władysław Bartoszewski 5 4 Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
Neil Gaiman Terry Pratchett 5 Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
Steven D. Levitt Stephen J. Dubner 5 1 Quiet the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking
4 5 The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail - But Some Don't
5 Marek Edelman: Bóg śpi
Krzysztof Burnetko Witold Bereś 5 5 5 4 Kochanie, zabiłam nasze koty
4 3 4 Det fördolda
Michael Hjorth Hans Rosenfeldt Geri de Boer (Translator) 4 Around the World in 80 Days: Companion to the PBS Series