| 2013 | 0 reads |
The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined | 2010 | 36 reads |
| 2009 | 0 reads |
The Hundred-year-old Man who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared | 2012 | 84 reads |
Bringing the World to Early Modern Europe: Travel Accounts And Their Audiences | 2004 | 0 reads |
Cosmopolitanisms in Muslim Contexts: Perspectives from the Past | 2012 | 0 reads |
A Civil War: A History of the Italian Resistance - Claudio Pavone
- Peter Levy (Translator)
- David Broder (Translator)
| 1991 | 0 reads |
Irish Culture and Colonial Modernity 1800–2000: The Transformation of Oral Space | 2011 | 0 reads |
| 2011 | 0 reads |
In Babel's Shadow: Multilingual Literatures, Monolingual States | 2010 | 0 reads |
Tubes a journey to the center of the Internet | 2012 | 8 reads |
A Tale of Two Cultures: Qualitative and Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences | 2012 | 0 reads |
The Anthropology of Time: Cultural Constructions of Temporal Maps and Images | 1992 | 0 reads |
Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarianism | 2011 | 0 reads |
Historical Knowledge, Historical Error | 2007 | 0 reads |
A New Deal for the World: America's Vision for Human Rights | 2005 | 0 reads |
Maxims and Reflections - Francesco Guicciardini
- Mario Domandi (Translator)
| 1528 | 2 reads |
Dialogue on the Government of Florence | 1994 | 0 reads |
Testing Wars in the Public Schools: A Forgotten History | 2013 | 0 reads |
The Strange Non-death of Neo-liberalism | 2011 | 0 reads |
Counter-Democracy: Politics in an Age of Distrust - Pierre Rosanvallon
- Arthur Goldhammer (Translator)
| 2006 | 0 reads |
| 2020 | 0 reads |
Japanese Travellers in Sixteenth-Century Europe: A Dialogue Concerning the Mission of the Japanese Ambassadors to the Roman Curia | 2012 | 0 reads |
A World Connecting: 1870–1945 | 2012 | 0 reads |
On Historicizing Epistemology: An Essay - Hans-Jörg Rheinberger
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 2010 | 0 reads |
Pursuit Of Power: Venetian Ambassadors' Reports On Spain, Turkey And France In The Age Of Philip II, 1560 1600 | 1970 | 0 reads |
The Priority of Democracy: Political Consequences of Pragmatism | 2011 | 0 reads |
| 1975 | 0 reads |
Absolute Erotic, Absolute Grotesque: The Living, Dead, and Undead in Japan's Imperialism, 1895-1945 | 2009 | 0 reads |
Debates in the digital humanities | 2012 | 0 reads |
A Companion to Digital Humanities | 2004 | 0 reads |
| | 0 reads |
Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West | 1991 | 2 reads |
Empire of Care: Nursing and Migration in Filipino American History | 2003 | 0 reads |
| 2011 | 396 reads |
MP3: The Meaning of a Format | 2012 | 0 reads |
Nuns' Chronicles and Convent Culture in Renaissance and Counter-Reformation Italy | 2003 | 0 reads |
Spanish Milan: A City within the Empire, 1535-1706 | 2012 | 0 reads |
Heart of Europe: The Past in Poland's Present | 1984 | 0 reads |
Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions | 2008 | 148 reads |
| 2011 | 0 reads |
The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home | 2010 | 22 reads |
| 2007 | 1 read |
The Concept of the Political - Carl Schmitt
- Matthias Konzett (Translator)
- John P. McCormick (Translator)
- J. Harvey Lomax (Translator)
| 1927 | 9 reads |
Peoples on Parade: Exhibitions, Empire, and Anthropology in Nineteenth-Century Britain | 2011 | 0 reads |
Japan’s Cold War: Media, Literature, and the Law | 2008 | 0 reads |
| 2010 | 0 reads |
| 2011 | 7 reads |
| 2012 | 0 reads |
The Barbarous Years: The Peopling of British North America: The Conflict of Civilizations, 1600-1675 | | 0 reads |
The Disciplinary Revolution: Calvinism and the Rise of the State in Early Modern Europe | 2003 | 0 reads |
| 2010 | 0 reads |
The Port Jews of Habsburg Trieste: Absolutist Politics and Enlightenment Culture | 1999 | 0 reads |
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet | 2010 | 73 reads |
The Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe: Italy, Spain, and Romania, 1870-1945 | 2010 | 0 reads |
| 1997 | 0 reads |
The Burden of Memory, the Muse of Forgiveness | 1998 | 0 reads |
Terrorism in Europe: An International Comparative Legal Analysis | 1992 | 0 reads |
The Bad Bohemian: A Life Of Jaroslav Hašek Creator Of The Good Soldier Švejk | 1978 | 0 reads |
| 1996 | 0 reads |
The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts After Communism | 1995 | 0 reads |
Cuisine, Colonialism and Cold War: Food in Twentieth-Century Korea | 2012 | 0 reads |
The Taiping Ideology: Its Sources, Interpretations, and Influences | 1967 | 0 reads |
The Italian Resistance: Fascists, Guerrillas and the Allies | 2009 | 0 reads |
Forgotten Blitzes: France and Italy under Allied Air Attack, 1940-1945 - Claudia Baldoli
- Andrew Knapp
| 2012 | 0 reads |
War, Massacre, and Recovery in Central Italy, 1943-1948 | 2010 | 0 reads |
| 2009 | 0 reads |
The Harkis: The Wound That Never Heals | 2011 | 0 reads |
The Enemy in Our Hands The Enemy in Our Hands: America's Treatment of Prisoners of War from the Revolution to the War on Terror | 2010 | 0 reads |
| 19 | 988 reads |
Chinese Migrants and Internationalism | 2007 | 0 reads |
A History of the World in Twelve Maps | 2012 | 0 reads |
Colonial Justice in British India: White Violence and the Rule of Law | 2009 | 0 reads |
Nationalism and Internationalism in Imperial Japan: Autonomy, Asian Brotherhood, or World Citizenship? | 2003 | 0 reads |
Gender Ironies of Nationalism: Sexing the Nation | 1999 | 0 reads |
The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History | 2010 | 0 reads |
Immortality - Milan Kundera
- Peter Kussi (Translator)
| 1999 | 23 reads |
Savage Continent - Keith Lowe
- Ιωάννης Χαλαζιάς (Translator)
| 2012 | 2 reads |
| 2001 | 6 reads |
A Field Guide to Getting Lost | 2005 | 36 reads |
Gender, Labour, War and Empire: Essays on Modern Britain | 2000 | 0 reads |
Women and the First World War | 2002 | 0 reads |
The Sounding of the Whale | 2012 | 0 reads |
The Languages of Political Theory in Early-Modern Europe | 1987 | 0 reads |
Linguistics in a Colonial World: A Story of Language, Meaning, and Power | 2007 | 0 reads |
| 2012 | 0 reads |
Lineages of Political Society: Studies in Postcolonial Democracy | 2011 | 0 reads |
Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World | 2009 | 0 reads |
Lenin's Terror: The Ideological Origins of Early Soviet State Violence | 2012 | 0 reads |
The Black Hole of Empire: History of a Global Practice of Power | 2012 | 0 reads |
Romantic Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian Political Imaginations | 2012 | 0 reads |
The China Threat: Memories, Myths, and Realities in the 1950s | 2012 | 0 reads |
Historicizing the Uses of the Past: Scandinavian Perspectives on History Culture, Historical Consciousness and Didactics of History Related to World War II | 2011 | 0 reads |
Beyond the Tragic Vision: The Quest for Identity in the Nineteenth Century | 1962 | 0 reads |
The End of the Revolution: China and the Limits of Modernity | 2009 | 0 reads |
Foreign front Third World politics in sixties West Germany | 2012 | 0 reads |
Dark Trophies: Hunting and the Enemy Body in Modern War | 2012 | 0 reads |
Nationalism and the Moral Psychology of Community | 2012 | 0 reads |
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland | 1992 | 28 reads |
The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain | 2011 | 1 read |