The Space Merchants - Frederik Pohl
- C.M. Kornbluth
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Nightfall - Isaac Asimov
- Robert Silverberg
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The Count of Monte Cristo | - |
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Death and the Dervish - Meša Selimović
- Bogdan Rakić (Translator)
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Dictionary of the Khazars (Male Edition) - Milorad Pavić
- Christina Pribićević-Zorić (Translator)
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On the Shortness of Life: Life Is Long If You Know How to Use It | - |
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Examined Lives From Socrates to Nietzsche | - |
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Na Drini ćuprija - Ivo Andrić
- Lovett F. Edwards (Translator)
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Discourses and Selected Writings | 5 |
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The Philosophy of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Stoic Philosophy as Rational and Cognitive Psychotherapy | - |
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Introduction to metaphysics - Martin Heidegger
- Richard Polt (Translator)
- Gregory Fried (Translator)
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Metaphysics - Aristotle
- William Rhys Roberts (Translator)
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Mythologies - Roland Barthes
- Annette Lavers (Translator)
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Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
- Hilda Rosner (Translator)
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A History of Western Philosophy | - |
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Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
- John Rutherford (Translator)
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Give Them an Argument: Logic for the Left | 4 |
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Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki
- Sharon L. Lechter
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Das kapital a critique of political economy - Karl Marx
- Edward Aveling (translator)
- Samuel Moore (translator)
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Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business | - |
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El Hombre en Busca de Sentido | 5 |
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The Stranger - Albert Camus
- Matthew Ward (Translator)
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Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation | - |
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Darkness at Noon - Arthur Koestler
- Daphne Hardy (Translator)
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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo | - |
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion | - |
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The Decision Book: Fifty Models for Strategic Thinking - Mikael Krogerus
- Roman Tschäppeler
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The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom | - |
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The Trial and Death of Socrates | - |
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How to Win Friends & Influence People | 4 |
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Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
- Martin Hammond (Translator)
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The Bullet Journal Method: Track Your Past, Order Your Present, Plan Your Future | 4 |
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Animal Farm - George Orwell
- Boris Grabnar (Translator)
- Celâl Üster (Translator)
- Celâl Üstüner (Translator)
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The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing - Cathy Hirano (Translator)
- Marie Kondo
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The Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle
- Robert C. Bartlett (Translator)
- Susan D. Collins (Translator)
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The Art of War - Sun Tzu
- Lionel Giles (Translator)
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