Iconicity: Pictograms, Ideograms, Signs for Utility, Usefulness and Pleasure - Sonia Diaz
- Gabriel Martinez
- Yukio Ota
LoCoS Visual Language for Global Communication - Yukio Ota
- Cecilia Macaulay
- Aaron Marcus
Spoilt Rotten: The Toxic Cult of Sentimentality |
The Diagrams Book: 50 Ways to Solve Any Problem Visually |
An Anthology Of Animal Poetry |
Synge and Anglo-Irish Literature. |
Poems of the Decade: An Anthology of the Forward Books of Poetry |
The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase |
A Distant Neighborhood: Volume 2 |
The Invention of Morel - Adolfo Bioy Casares
- Ruth L.C. Simms (Translator)
Admirable Evasions: How Psychology Undermines Morality |
Category Theory for the Sciences |
Dhammapada, a collection of verses; being one of the canonical books of the Buddhists - Anonymous
- F. Max Müller (Translator)
The Joyful Wisdom of Friedrich Nietzsche |
Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth |
A History of Mathematical Notations |
The Oxford India Anthology of Twelve Modern Indian Poets |
Triangle of Thought - Alain Connes
- André Lichnerowicz
Toki Pona: The Language of Good |
The Napoleon of Notting Hill |
Conceptual Mathematics - F. William Lawvere
- Stephen H. Schanuel
The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance |
Conscientious Objections: Stirring Up Trouble About Language, Technology and Education |
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother |
The Man With Night Sweats |
Democracy in America - Adam Smith
- Smith
- Garnier (Germain)
Coup d'etat, a practical handbook |
A letter concerning toleration |
The Luzumiyat Of Abu'l-Ala: Selected From His Luzum Ma La Yalzam And Suct Uz-Zand - Ameen Rihani (Translator)
- Abū al-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī
Six Tracts of Hasan al-Banna: A Selection from the Majmuat Rasail al-Imam al-Shahid Hasan al-Banna |
The Management of Savagery: The Most Critical Stage Through Which the Umma Will Pass - Abu Bakr Naji
- William McCants (Translator)
Handbook For Volunteers Of The Irish Republican Army: Notes On Guerrilla Warfare |
Praise of Folly - Erasmus
- Betty Radice (Translator)
On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare |
The Letters of a Post-Impressionist Being the Familiar Correspondence of Vincent Van Gogh - Vincent van Gogh
- Anthony Mario Ludovici (Translator)
Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous |
Reflections on the Revolution in France |
Swedenborg and Esoteric Islam - Henry Corbin
- Leonard Fox (Translator)
The monster at the end of this book |
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History |
The mind of a mnemonist : a little book about a vast memory |
 The Origin of Table Manners The Origin of Table Manners: Mythologiques Volume 3 - Claude Lévi-Strauss
- John Weightman (Translator)
- Doreen Weightman (Translator)
Theaetetus - Plato
- Benjamin Jowett (Translator)
Second Quest - David Hellman
- Tevis Thompson
Meditations On The First Philosophy |
The Philosophy of Despair |
The Leopard - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
- Archibald Colquhoun (Translator)
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
- Martin Hammond (Translator)
The Golden Sayings of Epictetus |