Vile Days: The Village Voice Art Columns, 1985-1988 |
Eurotrash - Christian Kracht
- Daniel Bowles (translator)
I Fear My Pain Interests You |
Close to the Knives: A Memoir of Disintegration |
Diary - Witold Gombrowicz
- Lillian Vallee
Bacacay - Witold Gombrowicz
- Bill Johnston (Translator)
The Copts and the West, 1439-1822: The European Discovery of the Egyptian Church |
The Blind Owl - Sadegh Hedayat
- Naveed Noori (Translator)
The Obscene Bird of Night - José Donoso
- Hardie St. Martin (Translator)
- Leonard Mades (Translator)
The Manhattan Project: A Theory of a City |
The Angel Of History - Bruno Arpaia
- Minna Proctor (Translator)
Sex and Character: An Investigation of Fundamental Principles - Otto Weininger
- Ladislaus Löb (Translator)
Лекции по кинорежиссуре - Andrei Tarkovsky
- Андрей Тарковский
Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places |
Moon in eclipse: A life of Mary Shelley |
 Nemesis Nemesis - Rosamond Smith
- Joyce Carol Oates
The Business of Being a Writer |
Art Thinking: How to Carve Out Creative Space in a World of Schedules, Budgets, and Bosses |
Living and Sustaining a Creative Life: Essays by 40 Working Artists |
Some Disordered Interior Geometries |
Simple foods for the pack |
Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl |
Le confessioni d'un Italiano |
The Buddha's Return - Gaito Gazdanov
- Bryan Karetnyk (Translator)
The Theatre of the Absurd |
Antonin Artaud: The Man and His Work |
The Art of Dramatic Writing |
Because a Fire Was in My Head |
13 Ways of Looking at the Novel |
The Practice of Poetry : Writing Exercises from Poets Who Teach |
A Writer's Book of Days: A Spirited Companion and Lively Muse for the Writing Life |
Gay Icons - Richard Dyer
- Sandi Toksvig
The Art Of Creative Writing |
In the Space of a Song: The Uses of Song in Film |
Third Factory - Victor Shklovsky
- Lyn Hejinian
Ernest Hemingway on Writing |
Theory of prose - Victor Shklovsky
- Benjamin Sher (Translator)
A Handful of Earth, a Handful of Sky |
The Resilient Writer: Tales of Rejection and Triumph by 23 Top Authors |
No Day without a Line: From Notebooks |
On teaching and writing fiction |
A Natural History of the Senses |
Martinez Celaya Working Methods |
The Man Who Loved Children |
Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism |