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People We Meet on Vacation | - |
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The Great Fire of London - Jacques Roubaud
- Dominic Di Bernardi (Translator)
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The Skating Rink - Roberto Bolaño
- Chris Andrews (Translator)
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The Book Against Death - Elias Canetti
- Peter Filkins (Translator)
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Archaeologies of the Future | - |
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The Woman Who Walked Into Doors | - |
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The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper | - |
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On the Clock - Claire Baglin
- Jordan Stump
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Unwitting Street - Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
- Joanne Turnbull (Translator)
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I Who Have Never Known Men - Jacqueline Harpman
- Ros Schwartz (Translator)
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Dear Shameless Death - Latife Tekin
- Saliha Paker (Translator)
- Mel Kenne (Translator)
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2666 - Roberto Bolaño
- Natasha Wimmer (Translator)
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Marxist Modernism: Introductory Lectures on Frankfurt School Critical Theory | - |
六個說謊的大學生 - Akinari Asakura
- 淺倉秋成
- 楊明綺 (Translator)
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臺灣翻譯史:殖民、國族與認同 - 賴慈芸
- 王梅香
- 單德興
- 張綺容
- 王惠珍
- 藍適齊
- 陳宏淑
- 橫路啟子
- 柳書琴
- 許俊雅
- 楊承淑
- 黃美娥
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The Annual Banquet of the Gravedigger's Guild - Mathias Énard
- Frank Wynne (Translator)
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Lies and Sorcery - Elsa Morante
- Jenny McPhee (Translator)
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阿共打來怎麼辦:你以為知道但實際一無所知的台海軍事常識 | - |
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We Have Always Lived in the Castle | - |
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The Anatomy of Melancholy | - |
A Tip for the Hangman: A Novel | - |
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Zen in the Art of Writing | - |
Mild Vertigo - Mieko Kanai
- Polly Barton (Translator)
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Narrative Discourse : An Essay in Method - Gérard Genette
- Jane E. Lewin (Translator)
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Don't Look At Me Like That | - |
Expositional Modes and Temporal Ordering in Fiction | - |
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By the Rivers of Babylon - António Lobo Antunes
- Margaret Jull Costa (Translator)
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Change - Édouard Louis
- John Lambert (Translator)
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Adelheit von Rastenberg: The Original German Text | - |
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A Sunny Place for Shady People - Megan McDowell (translator)
- Mariana Enríquez
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The Case of Cem - Вера Мутафчиева
- Vera Mutafchieva
- Angela Rodel (Translator)
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Three Moments of an Explosion | - |
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More wandering stars: An anthology of Jewish fantasy and science fiction | - |
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The Last Days of New Paris | - |
The Books of Jacob - Olga Tokarczuk
- Jennifer Croft (Translator)
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The Patron Saint of Liars | - |
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The Empusium: A Health Resort Horror Story - Olga Tokarczuk
- Antonia Lloyd-Jones (Translator)
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The Wolves of Eternity: A Novel | - |
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Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch | - |
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The Shadow of What Was Lost | - |
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Yiddish: Biography of a Language | - |
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River in an Ocean River in an Ocean: Essays on Translation - Nuzhat Abbas
- Françoise Vergès
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No One Will Come Back For Us and Other Stories | - |
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Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits | - |
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Anatomy of a disappearance | - |
The Spear Cuts Through Water | - |
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