Follow Along
We're an Open Book
#5 of 7 in The Dark Tower
#3 of 7 in A Song of Ice and Fire
#1 of 4 in Oxford Time Travel
#3 of 8 in Harry Potter
Reap the Whirlwind
#4 of 4 in Oxford Time Travel
What Judgments Come
#7 of 8 in Harry Potter
#1 of 3 in Cicero
#2 of 3 in The Hunger Games
#1 of 8 in Dune
#3 of 3 in The Hunger Games
#1 of 3 in Star Trek: Myriad Universes
#1 of 7 in Die Henkerstochter
#1 of 2 in American Gods
#2 of 7 in The Dark Tower
#7 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
#3 of 4 in Oxford Time Travel
Memories of the Future - Volume 1
#1 of 5 in Ringworld
#8 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
#2 of 5 in Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations
#4 of 7 in The Dark Tower
#2 of 4 in Oxford Time Travel
Seize the Fire
#2 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
#7 of 7 in The Dark Tower
Rough Beasts of Empire
#3 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
Watching the Clock
#1 of 5 in Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations
#1 of 1 in The Once and Future King
#6 of 8 in Harry Potter
#5 of 8 in Harry Potter
#8 of 9 in Star Trek: Vanguard
#5 of 9 in Star Trek: Vanguard
#3 of 7 in The Dark Tower
#4 of 7 in A Song of Ice and Fire
Summon the Thunder
#1 of 4 in The Giver
A Singular Destiny
#2 of 8 in Harry Potter
#6 of 7 in The Dark Tower
#4 of 8 in Harry Potter
#1 of 3 in The Hunger Games
Star Trek
#6 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
#5 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
#1 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
#1 of 7 in The Chronicles of Narnia (Publication Order)
#1 of 8 in Harry Potter
#5 of 7 in A Song of Ice and Fire
#2 of 7 in A Song of Ice and Fire
#3 of 7 in The Chronicles of Narnia (Publication Order)
#1 of 7 in A Song of Ice and Fire
#1 of 7 in The Dark Tower
#2 of 3 in The Magicians
#1 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings
#1 of 3 in The Magicians
#1 of 4 in The Wicked Years