Hammers on Bone (Persons Non Grata, #1) |
Record of a Spaceborn Few |
A Closed and Common Orbit |
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet |
Neuromanser - William Gibson
- Aleksandar Marković (Translator)
Death's End - Cixin Liu
- Ken Liu (Translator)
The Dark Forest - Cixin Liu
- Joel Martinsen (Translator)
1Q84 - Haruki Murakami
- Jay Rubin (Translator)
- Philip Gabriel
Mistborn: The Final Empire |
The Call of The Black River |
Autonomous - Annalee Newitz
- Annarita Guarnieri (Translator)
The Left Hand of Darkness |
The Three-Body Problem - Cixin Liu
- Ken Liu (Translator)
The Digital Media Handbook |
Sketching User Experiences |
Judas Unchained - Peter F. Hamilton
- Marta García Martínez (Translator)
The Material of Knowledge: Feminist Disclosures |
Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming |
Chasing Technoscience: Matrix for Materiality - Evan Selinger
- Donna Haraway
- Don Ihde
- Bruno Latour
- Andrew Pickering
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe |
Dynasty of Evil: Star Wars Legends |