We - Yevgeny Zamyatin
- Bela Shayevich (translator)
The Last Light of the Sun |
The Darkness That Comes Before |
James and the Giant Peach |
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban |
Murder on the Orient Express |
The Heroes of Olympus: Book Five |
The Elfstones of Shannara |
Forging the Darksword - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
The Elenium: The Diamond Throne / The Ruby Knight / The Sapphire Rose |
Polgara the Sorceress - David Eddings
- Leigh Eddings
Triumph of the Darksword - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
Dragon Wing - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
The Seventh Gate - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
Elven Star - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
Serpent Mage - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
Doom of the Darksword - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
The Hand of Chaos - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
Fire Sea - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
Into the Labyrinth - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
Kender, Gully Dwarves, and Gnomes - Margaret Weis
- Tracy Hickman
Space Trilogy: Out of the Silent Planet / Perelandra / That Hideous Strength |
The Swiss Family Robinson |
The Mote in God's Eye - Larry Niven
- Jerry Pournelle
Democracy in America - Adam Smith
- Smith
- Garnier (Germain)
The End of History and the Last Man |
The Battle of the Labyrinth |