0 reads 0 Diamond Sutra Narratives : Textual Production and Lay Religiosity in Medieval China
0 reads 0 Sexual Life in Ancient China: A Preliminary Survey of Chinese Sex and Society from ca. 1500 B.C. till 1644 A.D.
0 reads 0 Congressional Realignment, 1925-1978
0 reads 0 Legislators, Leaders, and Lawmaking: The U.S. House of Representatives in the Postreform Era
0 reads 0 The Confucian Quest for Order: The Origin and Formation of the Political Thought of Xun Zi
0 reads 0 Mapping Meanings: The Field of New Learning in Late Qing China
0 reads 0 Rituals of Recruitment in Tang China: Reading an Annual Programme in the Collected Statements by Wang Dingbao 870-940
0 reads 0 The Organization of Distance : Poetry, Translation, Chineseness
0 reads 0 Chinese Concepts Of Privacy
0 reads 0 Celebrated cases of Judge Dee = Dee goong an
3 reads 3 New frontiers: Imperialism's new communities in East Asia, 1842–1953
0 reads 0 The Transformation of the U.S. Senate
0 reads 0 0 reads 0 Law, Legislation and Liberty
0 reads 0 Shanghai, 1927-1937: Municipal Power, Locality, and Modernization
Christian Henriot Noël Castellino (Translator) 1 read 0 1 read 0 2 reads 3.5 3 reads 3.67 In the Shadow of the Rising Sun: Shanghai under Japanese Occupation
0 reads 0 2 reads 4.5 Visualising China, 1845-1965: Moving and Still Images in Historical Narratives
0 reads 0 Prostitution and Sexuality in Shanghai: A Social History, 1849–1949
Christian Henriot Noel Castelino (Translator) 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 Democratic Constitutional Design And Public Policy: Analysis And Evidence
0 reads 0 Improving Democracy Through Constitutional Reform: Some Swedish Lessons
0 reads 0 Framing Citizen Participation: Participatory Budgeting in France, Germany and the United Kingdom
0 reads 0 Dream of the Red Chamber: Literary and Translation Perspectives
0 reads 0 The Making of the Modern Philippines: Pieces of a Jigsaw State
0 reads 0 Free Trade’s First Missionary: Sir John Bowring in Europe and Asia
0 reads 0 Empire of the Winds: The Global Role of Asia’s Great Archipelago
0 reads 0 0 reads 0 The Kingdom and People of Siam: With a Narrative of the Mission to that Country in 1855
0 reads 0 Poetry Of The Magyars, Preceded By A Sketch Of The Language And Literature Of Hungary And Transylvania
0 reads 0 Secrets and Power in Myanmar: Intelligence and the Fall of General Khin Nyunt
0 reads 0 Burma's Armed Forces: Power Without Glory
0 reads 0 Burma, Kipling and Western Music: The Riff from Mandalay
0 reads 0 Interpreting Myanmar: A Decade of Analysis
0 reads 0 Myanmar’s military mindset: An exploratory survey
0 reads 0 0 reads 0 1 read 3 Hong Kong in China: The Challenges of Transition
0 reads 0 Another China Cycle: Committing to Reform
0 reads 0 Voice of Malayan Revolution: The CPM Radio War Against Singapore and Malaysia
0 reads 0 Asian Civilisations Museum: the Chinese collections
0 reads 0 One Country, Two Systems in Crisis: Hong Kong's Transformation since the Handover
0 reads 0 0 reads 0 Spin Dictators
Sergei Guriev Daniel Treisman 2 reads 3.5 A History of Modern Tibet, Volume 4: In the Eye of the Storm, 1957-1959
0 reads 0 PAP v PAP: The Party's Struggle to Adapt to a Changing Singapore
0 reads 0 Only Connect! Sino-Malay Encounters
0 reads 0 Anglo-Chinese encounters since 1800
0 reads 0 The Czechoslovak Economy 1948 - 1988: The Battle for Economic Reform
0 reads 0 Socialism and Democracy in Czechoslovakia: 1945-1948
0 reads 0 Custom, Land, and Livelihood in Rural South China: The Traditional Land Law of Hong Kong's New Territories, 1750–1950
0 reads 0 The piratization of Russia
0 reads 0 China and Southeast Asia - Myths, Threats, and Culture
0 reads 0 The Chinese Overseas: From Earthbound China to the Quest for Autonomy
0 reads 0 Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: Antiquity Through Sui, 1600 B.C.E. - 618 C.E
Lily Xiao Hong Lee A.D. Stefanowska Sue Wiles 0 reads 0 The Nanhai Trade: Early Chinese Trade in the South China Sea
0 reads 0 The Structure of Power in North China During the Five Dynasties
0 reads 0 Life and Death in Shanghai
2 reads 4 China Reconnects: Joining A Deep-Rooted Past To A New World Order
0 reads 0 Value and Prices in Russian Economic Thought: A journey inside the Russian synthesis, 1890–1920
0 reads 0 The Virtue of Yin: Studies on Chinese Women
0 reads 0 The Last Empress: Madame Chiang Kai-shek and the Birth of Modern China
0 reads 0 Dealing with China: An Insider Unmasks the New Economic Superpower
Henry M. Paulson Jr. Michael K. Carroll 0 reads 0 An Aristocracy in Political Crisis: The End of Indirect Rule and the Emergence of Party Politics in the Emirates of Northern Nigeria
Alhaji Mahmood Yakubu Mahmood Yakubu 0 reads 0 Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the New Russia
0 reads 0 Hong Kong from Britain to China: Political Cleavages, Electoral Dynamics and Institutional Changes
0 reads 0 Political Order and Power Transition in Hong Kong
0 reads 0 0 reads 0 China: Development And Governance
0 reads 0 Down to Earth: The Territorial Bond in South China
0 reads 0 Russia After the Global Economic Crisis
0 reads 0 Interpreting china's development
0 reads 0 0 reads 0 Western Education in Northern Nigeria: Challenges and Strategies
0 reads 0 What went wrong with Perestroika
0 reads 0 The Kwangju Uprising
The Kwangju Uprising: A Miracle of Asian Democracy as Seen by the Western and the Korean Press: A Miracle of Asian Democracy as Seen by the Western and the Korean Press
Henry Scott Stokes Lily Xiao Hong Lee 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 Hong Kong: Economic, Social, and Political Studies in Development, with a Comprehensive Bibliography
Tzong-Biau Lin Lily Xiao Hong Lee Udo Ernst Simonis 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 The Rise and Fall of Czech Capitalism: Economic Development in the Czech Republic since 1989
0 reads 0 Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women, Volume II: Tang Through Ming 618 - 1644
Lily Xiao Hong Lee Sue Wiles 0 reads 0 China and the Chinese Overseas
0 reads 0 Women of the Long March
Lily Xiao Hong Lee Sue Wiles 0 reads 0 Reply All
Reply All: A Governor's Story 1999-2007
0 reads 0 0 reads 0 Death Orders: The Vanguard of Modern Terrorism in Revolutionary Russia
0 reads 0 Russia under the Last Tsar: Opposition and Subversion, 1894-1917
0 reads 0 Entangled in Terror: The Azef Affair and the Russian Revolution
0 reads 0 Thou Shalt Kill: Revolutionary Terrorism in Russia, 1894-1917
0 reads 0 Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime
0 reads 0 0 reads 0 The Formation of Political Parties and the First National Elections in Russia
0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 The Third Duma, election and profile
0 reads 0