Groups and Representations - J.L. Alperin
- Rowen B. Bell
| 1995 | 194 pages? duration |
Riemannian Geometry - Manfredo P. Do Carmo
- Francis Flaherty (Translator)
| 1992 | 300 pages? duration |
Commutative Ring Theory - H. Matsumura
- Miles Reid (Translator)
| 1986 | 338 pages? duration |
Rings and Categories of Modules - Frank W. Anderson
- Kent R. Fuller
| 1974 | 376 pages? duration |
The Laplacian on a Riemannian Manifold: An Introduction to Analysis on Manifolds | 1997 | 190 pages? duration |
| 1979 | 463 pages? duration |
| 1998 | 422 pages? duration |
| 1985 | 498 pages? duration |
| 1972 | 292 pages? duration |
The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves | 1985 | 400 pages? duration |
| 1976 | 222 pages? duration |
An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry, Revised | 1975 | 419 pages? duration |
Geometric Measure Theory: A Beginner's Guide | 1995 | 248 pages? duration |
| 1969 | 676 pages? duration |
Geometry: Euclid and Beyond | 2000 | 546 pages? duration |
p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions | 1977 | 165 pages? duration |
Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras, Volume I: Elementary Theory - John R. Ringrose Richard V. Kadison
| 1983 | 1,074 pages? duration |
Compact Riemann Surfaces: An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics | 1997 | 277 pages? duration |
Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory | 1973 | 173 pages? duration |
Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces | 1978 | 640 pages? duration |
Mathematical Logic, 2nd Edition - Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus
- J. Flum
- Wolfgang Thomas
| 1978 | 314 pages? duration |
Foundations of Differential Geometry, Vol. 1 - Shoshichi Kobayashi
- Katsumi Nomizu
| 1996 | ? pages? duration |
Real and Functional Analysis | 1983 | 600 pages? duration |
Algebraic Number Theory - Albrecht Fröhlich
- M.J. Taylor
| 1986 | 384 pages? duration |
Principles of Algebraic Geometry - Phillip A. Griffiths
- Joseph Harris
| 1978 | 832 pages? duration |
Counterexamples in Topology - Lynn Arthur Steen
- J. Arthur Seebach Jr.
| 1970 | 244 pages? duration |
Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory | 1991 | 386 pages? duration |
A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory | 2013 | ? pages? duration |
| 1991 | 708 pages? duration |
Mathematical Statistics: An Introduction | 1998 | 545 pages? duration |
An Introduction to the Theory of Groups | 1984 | 548 pages? duration |
Principles of Mathematical Analysis | 1964 | 342 pages? duration |
Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction | 2000 | 484 pages? duration |
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries: Development and History | 1974 | 637 pages? duration |
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems | 2005 | 790 pages? duration |
Introduction to analytic number theory | 1976 | 338 pages? duration |
| 1993 | 242 pages? duration |
| 1982 | 192 pages? duration |
The Mathematical Experience | 1980 | 440 pages? duration |
| 1965 | 469 pages? duration |
Calculus, Volume 2: Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra, with Applications to Differential Equations and Probability | 1961 | 666 pages? duration |
| 1998 | 239 pages? duration |
Gödel's Proof - Ernest Nagel
- James Roy Newman
| 1958 | 160 pages? duration |
| 1957 | 492 pages? duration |
A Survey of Modern Algebra - Garrett Birkhoff
- Saunders Mac Lane
| 1941 | 500 pages? duration |
Mathematics for the million | 1937 | 648 pages? duration |
A Course of Pure Mathematics | 1908 | 21 pages? duration |
A course in mathematics for students of physics - Paul Bamberg
- Shlomo Sternberg
| 1988 | 468 pages? duration |
Linear Algebra - Kenneth M. Hoffman
- Ray Kunze
| 1971 | 407 pages? duration |
| 2002 | 608 pages? duration |
The Method of Coordinates | 1967 | 74 pages? duration |
Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces | 1947 | 202 pages? duration |
A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science | 1994 | ? pages? duration |
| 1974 | 504 pages? duration |
| 1991 | 618 pages? duration |
Street-Fighting Mathematics | 2010 | 152 pages? duration |
Calculus Made Easy - Silvanus Phillips Thompson
| 1910 | 250 pages? duration |
Topology and Geometry for Physicists - Charles Nash
- Siddhartha Sen
| 1983 | 311 pages? duration |
Linear Algebra and Its Applications | 1996 | 394 pages? duration |
Prisoner's Dilemma/John Von Neumann, Game Theory and the Puzzle of the Bomb | 1993 | 294 pages? duration |
Basic Algebraic Geometry Volume 1: Varieties in Projective Space | 1994 | 303 pages? duration |
| 1994 | 444 pages? duration |
| 1981 | 384 pages? duration |
Mathematics and plausible reasoning | 1954 | 300 pages? duration |
Differential And Integral Calculus | 1931 | 1,298 pages? duration |
| | ? pages? duration |
Ordinary Differential Equations - Morris Tenenbaum
- Harry Pollard
| 1985 | 852 pages? duration |
The Heart of Mathematics: An invitation to effective thinking - Edward B. Burger
- Michael Starbird
| 1999 | 798 pages? duration |
| 1971 | 334 pages? duration |
Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry | 1961 | 254 pages? duration |
Topology, Geometry and Gauge Fields: Foundations | 1997 | 396 pages? duration |
| | ? pages? duration |
A History of Mathematics - Carl B. Boyer
- Uta C. Merzbach
| 1968 | 736 pages? duration |
Advanced Calculus, Third Edition | 1956 | 622 pages? duration |
Logical Number Theory I: An Introduction | 1991 | 405 pages? duration |
A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory - Kenneth F. Ireland
- Michael I. Rosen
| 1982 | 394 pages? duration |
Algebra - I.M. Gelfand
- Alexander Shen
| 2003 | 164 pages? duration |
The Princeton companion to mathematics | 2007 | 1,056 pages? duration |
| 2012 | 1,012 pages? duration |
Differential Equations: A Modeling Perspective | 1996 | 736 pages? duration |
Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, Volume 1 (Classics in Mathematics) | | ? pages? duration |
Probability and statistics | | ? pages? duration |
Euclid's Elements - Euclid
- Dana Densmore
- Thomas Little Heath (Translator)
| -290 | 499 pages? duration |
Linear Algebra and Its Applications | 1993 | 492 pages? duration |
| 1986 | 276 pages? duration |
| 1993 | ? pages? duration |
Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic | 2005 | ? pages? duration |
The World of Mathematics: A Four-Volume Set | 1956 | 2,576 pages? duration |
Contemporary Abstract Algebra | 2012 | 656 pages? duration |
Introductory Real Analysis - A.N. Kolmogorov
- S.V. Fomin
| 1975 | 418 pages? duration |
Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction | 2002 | 143 pages? duration |
| 1974 | 600 pages? duration |
Mathematics form and function | 1985 | 476 pages? duration |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Calculus | 1995 | 122 pages? duration |
Introduction to Mathematical Logic | 1979 | 464 pages? duration |
Fundamental Ideas of Analysis | 1997 | 413 pages? duration |
| 1970 | 296 pages? duration |
Ordinary Differential Equations | 1973 | 280 pages? duration |
| 1975 | ? pages? duration |