| 1985 | 124 pages? duration |
The Foundations of Arithmetic - Gottlob Frege
- J.L. Austin (Translator)
| 1884 | 119 pages? duration |
On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems - Kurt Gödel
- Bernard Meltzer (Translator)
| 1992 | 80 pages? duration |
| 1658 | 128 pages? duration |
| 1658 | 52 pages? duration |
The Darkness That Comes Before | 2003 | 657 pages? duration |
| 2020 | 352 pages? duration |
| 2008 | 320 pages? duration |
| 1989 | 344 pages? duration |
Poems and Fragments - Sappho
- Stanley Lombardo (Translator)
| -550 | 106 pages? duration |
Conversations of Socrates - Xenophon
- Hugh Tredennick (Translator)
- Araz Gündüz (Translator)
| -400 | 366 pages? duration |
Synchronicity - Carl Gustav Jung
- R. F. C. Hull
| 1967 | 708 pages? duration |
| 1982 | ? pages? duration |
Discourse on Metaphysics and Other Essays - Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von Leibniz
| 1991 | 100 pages? duration |
Leibniz - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
| 1716 | 366 pages? duration |
| | ? pages? duration |
G. W. Leibniz's Monadology: An Edition for Students - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
- Nicholas Rescher (Translator)
| 1714 | ? pages? duration |
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics | | 270 pages? duration |
| 1844 | 117 pages? duration |
Stirner's Critics - Max Stirner
- Wolfi Landstreicher (Translator)
| 2013 | 128 pages? duration |
The Metaphysics of Morals - Immanuel Kant
- Mary J. Gregor (Translator)
| 1797 | 284 pages? duration |
Hegel: Elements of the Philosophy of Right - Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel
| 1991 | 574 pages? duration |
The Art of Always Being Right | 1831 | ? pages? duration |
Critique of Practical Reason | 1997 | 186 pages? duration |
Critique of Judgment - Immanuel Kant
- Werner S. Pluhar (Translator)
| 1987 | 692 pages? duration |
Science of Logic - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- A.V. Miller (Translator)
| 1812 | ? pages? duration |
Diary of a Murderer: And Other Stories | 2019 | 211 pages? duration |
I Have the Right to Destroy Myself - Young-Ha Kim
- Chi-Young Kim (Translator)
| 1995 | 119 pages? duration |
Fall of the Roman Republic - Plutarch
- Rex Warner (Translator)
| 100 | 464 pages? duration |
The Crisis of the Modern World - René Guénon
- Marco Pallis (Translator)
- Esra Temür (Translator)
- Richard C. Nicholson (Translator)
| 1927 | 136 pages? duration |
| 1945 | ? pages? duration |
| | ? pages? duration |
Independent People - Halldór Laxness
- James Anderson Thompson (Translator)
| 1934 | 513 pages? duration |
| 1956 | 472 pages? duration |
The Sound of the Mountain - Yasunari Kawabata
- Edward G. Seidensticker (Translator)
| 1971 | 276 pages? duration |
Diary of a madman and other stories - William A. Lyell (Translator)
- Lu Xun
| 1926 | 389 pages? duration |
Poems of Paul Celan - Paul Celan
- Michael Hamburger (Translator)
| 1972 | 358 pages? duration |
The Arabian Nights - Husain Haddawy (Translator)
| 2010 | 523 pages? duration |
The Complete Poems of Sappho - Sappho
- Willis Barnstone (translator)
| -550 | 224 pages? duration |
That One Should Disdain Hardships: The Teachings of a Roman Stoic | | ? pages? duration |
A Thousand Plateaus - Gilles Deleuze
- Félix Guattari
| 1980 | 723 pages? duration |
The Archaeology of Knowledge | 1969 | 238 pages? duration |
Season of Migration to the North - Tayeb Salih
- Denys Johnson Davies (Translator)
| 1966 | 180 pages? duration |
The Anatomy of Melancholy | 1621 | 783 pages? duration |
| 1845 | ? pages? duration |
Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family | 1901 | 768 pages? duration |
The Collected Tales of Edgar Allan Poe | 2000 | 295 pages? duration |
The Campaigns of Alexander | 2003 | 432 pages? duration |
Tractatus Logico-philosophicus - Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Charles Kay Ogden (Translator)
| 1921 | 143 pages? duration |
| 1951 | 313 pages? duration |
| 1970 | ? pages? duration |
Ecrits: The First Complete Edition in English - Jacques Lacan
- Bruce Fink (Translator)
| 1966 | 896 pages? duration |
Pedro Páramo - Juan Rulfo
- Douglas J. Weatherford (translator)
| 1955 | 144 pages? duration |
| 1951 | 249 pages? duration |
The Wasteland & Four Quartets | 1942 | ? pages? duration |
Zorba the Greek - Nikos Kazantzakis
- Carl Wildman (Translator)
- Nikos Kazancakis
- Ahmet Angın (Translator)
| 1946 | 336 pages? duration |
| 1974 | 768 pages? duration |
Blindness - José Saramago
- Giovanni Pontiero (Translator)
| 1995 | 349 pages? duration |
Anti-Oedipus - Gilles Deleuze
- Félix Guattari
| 1972 | 472 pages? duration |
鍋匠、裁縫、士兵、間諜 - John A. Le Carr'
- 約翰·勒卡雷
- 董樂山 (Translator)
| 1974 | 381 pages? duration |
Of Grammatology - Jacques Derrida
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Translator)
| 1967 | 456 pages? duration |
The Complete Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen
- L.W. Kingsland (Translator)
| 19 | 388 pages? duration |
مثنوی معنوی - Rumi
- Reynold Alleyne Nicholson (Translator)
| 1273 | 1,145 pages? duration |
| | ? pages? duration |
| 1959 | 600 pages? duration |
Jacques the fatalist and his master - Denis Diderot
- David Coward (Translator)
| 1785 | 304 pages? duration |
Berlin Alexanderplatz - Alfred Döblin
- Eugene Jolas (Translator)
| 1929 | 635 pages? duration |
 Glas Glas - Jacques Derrida
- John P. Leavey Jr. (Translator)
- Richard Rand (Translator)
| 1974 | ? pages? duration |
The Civil War - Gaius Julius Caesar
- F.P. Long (Translator)
| -47 | 224 pages? duration |
The Guide for the Perplexed - Maimonides
- Lenn E. Goodman
| 1977 | 444 pages? duration |
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror | 2010 | 240 pages? duration |
Can you spot the spotted dog? | | ? pages? duration |
| 1958 | 512 pages? duration |
Pippi Longstocking - Astrid Lindgren
- Florence Lamborn (Translator)
| 1945 | 124 pages? duration |
Difference and Repetition - Gilles Deleuze
- Paul Patton (Translator)
| 1968 | 432 pages? duration |
| 1257 | 224 pages? duration |
| 1928 | 129 pages? duration |
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls | 1985 | 388 pages? duration |
Korean Grammar in Use - Beginning - Ahn Jean-myung
- Lee Kyung-Ah
- Han Hoo-youn
| 2010 | ? pages? duration |
| 1938 | 196 pages? duration |
Korean Grammar in Use: Intermediate - Jin-young Min
- Jean-myung Ahn
| 2011 | 432 pages? duration |
Korean Grammar in Use: Advanced - Jean-myung Ahn
- Sun Eun-Hee
| 2013 | 407 pages? duration |
| 1982 | 370 pages? duration |
2000 Essential Korean Words - Intermediate - Hyeon-mi Shin
- Hee-jung Lee
- Lee Sang-min
| 2014 | 536 pages? duration |
Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook | 2009 | 280 pages? duration |
Down and Out in Paris and London | 1933 | 213 pages? duration |
| 1987 | 389 pages? duration |
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami
- Philip Gabriel (Translator)
| 2001 | 468 pages? duration |
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy | 1637 | 136 pages? duration |
The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism | 1975 | 334 pages? duration |
The nature of the gods - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- P.G. Walsh (Translator)
| -45 | 230 pages? duration |
The world as will and representation - Arthur Schopenhauer
- Judith Norman (Translator)
- E.F.J. Payne (Translator)
- Alistair Welchman (Translator)
| 1818 | 575 pages? duration |
On Ends - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Harris Rackham (translator)
| -45 | 544 pages? duration |
The Doomed City - Arkady Strugatsky
- Boris Strugatsky
| 1989 | 462 pages? duration |
| 1995 | 385 pages? duration |
| 2011 | 440 pages? duration |
| 2015 | 352 pages? duration |
| 1991 | 352 pages? duration |
| 1999 | 384 pages? duration |
| 1994 | 543 pages? duration |