Man and His Symbols - Joseph L. Henderson
- Aniela Jaffé
- Jolande Jacobi
- Marie-Louise von Franz
- Carl Gustav Jung
The red book = - Carl Gustav Jung
- Mark Kyburz (Translator)
- John Peck (Translator)
A Treatise of Human Nature |
The Story of Civilization |
Before Philosophy: The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man - Henri Frankfort
- John A. Wilson
- Thorkild Jacobsen
Social and Cultural Dynamics: A Study of Change in Major Systems of Art, Truth, Ethics, Law and Social Relationships |
The Ancient City - Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges
Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies |
No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai
- Donald Keene (Translator)
The Works of Archimedes - Archimedes
- Sir Thomas Little Heath
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism |
Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis |
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said |
The Fifth Head of Cerberus |
Timescape - Gregory Benford
- Gianluigi Zuddas (Translator)
The Secret Teachings of All Ages |
The Consolation of Philosophy - Boethius
- Victor Watts (Translator)
Real Analysis - Elias M. Stein
- Rami Shakarchi
Fourier Analysis: An Introduction - Elias M. Stein
- Rami Shakarchi
Complex Analysis - Elias M Stein Rami Shakarchi
- Rami Shakarchi
Advanced Complex Analysis |
Analysis II - Herbert Amann
- Joachim Escher
Analysis III - Herbert Amann
- Joachim Escher
Analysis I - Herbert Amann
- Joachim Escher
- Gary Brookfield (Translator)
An Introduction to Measure Theory |
The Girl with All the Gifts |
A Book of Abstract Algebra |
Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms: A Unified Approach - John H. Hubbard
- Barbara Burke Hubbard
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos |
Lysistrata - Aristophanes
- Sarah Ruden (Translator)
Talk To Me In Korean Workbook Level 9 |
Talk To Me In Korean Level 9 Lessons |
Talk To Me In Korean Workbook Level 8 |
Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator |
The Vegetarian - Han Kang
- Deborah Smith (Translator)
The Hole - Hye-Young Pyun
- Lia Iovenitti (Translator)
Biology - Jane B. Reece
- Neil A. Campbell