To Venture Further
ByTristan Jones

    1991 • 1 Reader

    #107 of 8 in Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series

      2003 • 1 Reader

      Imperial Alchemy

      Imperial Alchemy
      ByAnthony Reid

        2008 • 2 Readers • 263 pages

        A History of South-East Asia

          1955 • 1 Reader

            1999 • 2 Readers • 172 pages

            The Story of Mahajanaka

            The Story of Mahajanaka

              1997 • 2 Readers

              Bangkok, May 2010: Perspectives on a Divided Thailand

              Bangkok, May 2010: Perspectives on a Divided Thailand
              ByMichael John Montesano(editor),Pavin Chachavalpongpun(Editor)

                2012 • 1 Reader

                The Revolutionary King
                ByWilliam Stevenson

                  1999 • 1 Reader • 352 pages

                  King Bhumibol Adulyadej: A Life's Work

                  King Bhumibol Adulyadej: A Life's Work
                  ByNicholas Grossman(Editor),Dominic Faulder(Editor)

                    2012 • 1 Reader

                    The Political Development of Modern Thailand

                      2015 • 1 Reader • 328 pages

                      Water Frontier: Commerce and the Chinese in the Lower Mekong Region, 1750-1880

                        2004 • 1 Reader

                        The English governess at the Siamese court

                          1988 • 2 Readers • 154 pages

                          Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia

                            2011 • 1 Reader

                            Historical dictionary of Thailand

                              1 Reader

                              The Oxford Companion to World War II

                              The Oxford Companion to World War II
                              ByIan Dear(editor),M.R.D. Foot(Editor)

                                1995 • 1 Reader

                                #1 of 2 in The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia

                                  1993 • 1 Reader

                                    2000 • 1 Reader

                                    The Grand Alliance

                                    The Grand Alliance
                                    ByWinston S. Churchill

                                      4 Readers • 4

                                      Political Order in Changing Societies

                                      The Henry L. Stimson Lectures Series

                                      Political Order in Changing Societies
                                      BySamuel P. Huntington,Francis Fukuyama

                                        1968 • 3 Readers • 512 pages

                                        Minorities in the Middle: A Cross-Cultural Analysis

                                          1991 • 1 Reader

                                          Mongkut, The King of Siam

                                          Mongkut, The King of Siam
                                          ByAbbot Low Moffat

                                            1961 • 1 Reader • 254 pages

                                            Trans-Pacific Relations: America, Europe, and Asia in the Twentieth Century

                                              2003 • 1 Reader

                                                1978 • 1 Reader

                                                The king never smiles

                                                The king never smiles
                                                ByPaul M. Handley

                                                  3 Readers

                                                  Blood brothers

                                                  Blood brothers
                                                  ByBertil Lintner

                                                    1 Reader

                                                    #42 of 12 in Studies on Southeast Asia

                                                      1979 • 1 Reader

                                                      Thaksinization of Thailand

                                                      Thaksinization of Thailand
                                                      ByDuncan McCargo,Ukrist Pathmanand

                                                        2004 • 1 Reader

                                                        An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices

                                                        Introduction to Religion

                                                          1990 • 3 Readers

                                                          The Making of Buddhist Modernism

                                                            2008 • 2 Readers • 299 pages

                                                            Theravada Buddhism: A Social History from Ancient Benares to Modern Colombo

                                                              1988 • 3 Readers • 248 pages • 3

                                                              The kingdom of Siam
                                                              BySimon De La Loubere

                                                                1 Reader

                                                                In the Buddha's Words

                                                                In the Buddha's Words
                                                                ByBhikkhu Bodhi(Translator)

                                                                  2005 • 49 Readers • 486 pages • 3.6

                                                                  Three Military Accounts of the 1688 'Revolution'

                                                                  Three Military Accounts of the 1688 'Revolution'
                                                                  ByGeneral Desfarges,Michael Smithies

                                                                    2006 • 1 Reader

                                                                    Strange Parallels: Southeast Asia in Global Context, c. 800-1830. Volume 1, Integration on the Mainland

                                                                    Studies in Comparative World History

                                                                      1999 • 1 Reader

                                                                      History of Burma

                                                                      History of Burma
                                                                      ByArthur Phayre

                                                                        1998 • 1 Reader

                                                                        A History of Thailand

                                                                        A History of Thailand
                                                                        ByRong Syamananda

                                                                          1971 • 1 Reader • 208 pages

                                                                          Literary Cultures in History: Reconstructions from South Asia

                                                                            2003 • 1 Reader

                                                                            Manual of Insight

                                                                            Manual of Insight
                                                                            ByMahasi Sayadaw

                                                                              2016 • 3 Readers • 710 pages

                                                                              Indian Buddhism
                                                                              ByA.K. Warder

                                                                                2000 • 1 Reader

                                                                                Sects & Sectarianism: The Origins of Buddhist Schools

                                                                                  2012 • 1 Reader • 176 pages

                                                                                  #49 of 5 in Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology

                                                                                  The Buddhist Saints of the Forest
                                                                                  ByStanley Jeyaraja Tambiah

                                                                                    1984 • 1 Reader

                                                                                    The Path Of Serenity And Insight: An Explanation Of Buddhist Jhanas

                                                                                      2002 • 1 Reader • 236 pages

                                                                                        1988 • 1 Reader • 464 pages

                                                                                        A short history of Malaysia

                                                                                        A short history of Malaysia
                                                                                        ByVirginia Matheson Hooker

                                                                                          1 Reader

                                                                                          Encyclopedia of Buddhism

                                                                                          Encyclopedia of Buddhism
                                                                                          ByRobert E. Buswell Jr.(Editor)

                                                                                            2003 • 1 Reader • 528 pages

                                                                                            Buddhism: A Concise Introduction

                                                                                            ByHuston Smith,Philip Novak

                                                                                              1958 • 4 Readers • 256 pages • 4

                                                                                              Lanna: Thailand's Northern Kingdom

                                                                                                1999 • 1 Reader • 232 pages

                                                                                                Southeast Asia: Politics, Meaning, and Memory

                                                                                                  2015 • 1 Reader

                                                                                                  The Nan Chronicle

                                                                                                  The Nan Chronicle
                                                                                                  ByDavid K. Wyatt

                                                                                                    2018 • 1 Reader • 158 pages

                                                                                                    The Chiang Mai Chronicle
                                                                                                    ByDavid K. Wyatt(Translator),Aroonrut Wichienkeeo(Translator)

                                                                                                      1998 • 1 Reader

                                                                                                      A Brief History of Lanna

                                                                                                        2001 • 1 Reader • 212 pages

                                                                                                        A Short History of Asia

                                                                                                          2002 • 1 Reader

                                                                                                          Mon Nationalism and Civil War in Burma: The Golden Sheldrake

                                                                                                            2002 • 1 Reader • 419 pages

                                                                                                            Early South East Asia: Essays in Archaeology, History, and Historical Geography

                                                                                                              1976 • 1 Reader

                                                                                                              Ancient Chiang Mai Volume 3
                                                                                                              ByAndrew Forbes,Cognoscenti Books

                                                                                                                2014 • 1 Reader

                                                                                                                Thailand: A Short History

                                                                                                                  1982 • 1 Reader • 352 pages

                                                                                                                    1 Reader • 324 pages

                                                                                                                    Lords of Life: A History of the Kings of Thailand

                                                                                                                      2013 • 1 Reader