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The Dynasties of China
Military Culture in Imperial China
The Two Koreas and the Great Powers
Cultural Flow Between China and the Outside World Throughout History
Sui-Tang China and Its Turko-Mongol Neighbors
Cities of Aristocrats and Bureaucrats
The Land of Scholars
Mingtang and Buddhist Utopias in the History of the Astronomical Clock
Tang China And The Collapse Of The Uighur Empire
Warfare in Chinese History
Journey into China's Antiquity Volume 3
Columbia Chronologies of Asian History and Culture
China and Central Asia in the Post-Soviet Era
Autocracy and China's Rebel Founding Emperors
Tibet Past and Present
State and Court Ritual in China
Tibetan Civilization
Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 1
Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 5
Under Confucian Eyes
The Buddhist Conquest of China
Matisse the Master
R.A.F. Squadrons
The Classic M1 Garand
The Phantom Story
Grab Their Belts To Fight Them
Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
Delta Scout
Historical Atlas of the Vietnam War
Crises Do Happen
Under the Gun
The Great Book of Fighters
Law of the Sea in East Asia
The Naval Institute Guide to Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
Military Small Arms of the 20th Century
The Memoirs of Victor Hugo
Seas and Waterways of the World
Matisse /anglais
Locating Southeast Asia
Henri Matisse